We are in the process of transitioning our forms from physical copies to dynamic, user-friendly digital formats. Currently, the Contract for Honors Credit is only available in PDF format. This form can be submitted either in person to the Honors College or by email to honors@ou.edu.
Please Note:
Enrollment forms and contracts are due to the Honors College by the end of the add/drop period. All signatures must be included.
The Honors Thesis with a signed submission form is due to the Honors College by the Friday of finals week of your graduating semester.
Honors Research 3980 is an independent study course required to graduate with Honors, taken by juniors and seniors with the professor of their choice to mentor them in conducting their own research or assisting the professor with their research. This is intended to be your opportunity to research the topic of your choice and gain practical experience in your field. Research does not necessarily have to be taken in your major department, but you must check with your department to see if there are any requirements or restrictions. This is your opportunity to produce your Honors Thesis, which is due to the Honors College at the end of the semester you graduate. A total of 3 credit hours of Research is required for all majors, students that do their research in Biology are required to complete 4 hours of research and 3 hours of Honors Reading. Below is the full Honors College policy on Research and Thesis requirements. Your Honors Research enrollment form is due to the Honors College main office with all signatures other than the Honors Dean by the end of the add/drop period.
Honors Research Instructions PDF
3960 (Honors Reading) is an independent study with flexible parameters. Students in this course typically focus on reading and discussion of material with their professor, rather than work that culminates in a large project. 3960 can be used as a preparatory course for a longer research project that will be completed in a subsequent semester, or it can be used to explore a very particular area of interest. 3960 may also be used as a continuation of research that began but did not resolve, in 3980. Students may take 3960 for 1,2, or 3 credit hours at a time; up to 3 credits of 3960 may be used to fulfill Honors requirements.
All University of Oklahoma Honors graduates must submit a copy of their Honors Thesis to fulfill the requirements for graduating with Honors. The thesis must be signed by your professor. STUDENTS MUST SUBMIT THEIR HONORS THESIS BEFORE FINALS WEEKS OF THEIR GRADUATING SEMESTER. For more information on the Honors Thesis standards, please see the "Thesis Standard".
A contract for Honors credit may be used when a student has had difficulty obtaining Honors elective credit. Contracts are allowed only in letter-graded, classroom-based courses that are taught by tenured, tenure-track, or ranked renewable term faculty. Students should meet with the professor to discuss an appropriate assignment of additional work, and document the details in the body of the form. Obtain all signatures before turning it into the Honors College main office for approval. LIMIT ONE contract per student.
You must earn an "A" or "B" in the course and complete your designated work in order to receive credit. Once your form is submitted, no further action is required on the part of the student. The Honors College office will contact your professor at the end of the semester to see if you have completed your contract, and then you will receive an Honors designation on the course within 1-2 months after the end of the semester. Additional rules for contracting are printed on the form itself.
Contracts are due to the Honors College main office by the last day of the add/drop period.
Petition forms are for non-Honors students who wish to take an Honors course. You may be issued permission to enroll if:
Petition to Enroll in an Honors Course as a Non-Honors Student PDF
Here you can find forms related to Honors College special programs. For more information visit the Programs tab on our website.