- Identification of Vascular Plants - George J. Goodman
- Ecology of Aquatic Plants - George J. Goodman
- Herpetology - Charles C. Carpenter
- Natural History of Invertebrates - J. Teague Self
- Natural History of Vertebrates - Charles C. Carpenter
- Field Entomology - George H. Bick
- Parasitology - J. Teague Self
- Limnology - George H. Bick
- Fishery Biology - Carl D. Riggs
- Investigations in Plant Sciences
- Agrostology - George J. Goodman
- Taxonomy - George J. Goodman
- Investigations in Zoology
- Invertebrate Zoology - J. Teague Self and George H. Bick
- Entomology - George H. Bick
- Limnology - George H. Bick
- Helminthology - J. Teague Self
- Fishery Biology - Carl D. Riggs
- Ichthyology - Carl D. Riggs
- Herpetology - Charles C. Carpenter
- Mammalogy - Charles C. Carpenter
- Ecology - Charles C. Carpenter