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Guest Researcher Housing:

The 2,800 square-foot triplex was constructed with a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and funding from OU. The apartment building rests on a 7.3 acre tract of land, adjacent to the main UOBS campus. Purchase of the 7.3 acre tract was made possible with a combination of Section 13 funds and donations. Nancy Mergler, Provost, committed Section 13 funds to cover half of the cost of the land purchase with the balance paid from donations by Carl D. and Patricia Bynum Riggs, and Kim and Nancy Hauger.


Dr. Harley P. Brown Scholarship Fund, Joy Brown Catron Scholarship Fund, Barbara Shirley Scholarship Fund, Friends of the OU Biological Station Scholarship Fund, Carl and Patricia Bynum Riggs Scholarship Fund, Hill Biological Station Fund, Homer F. Timmons Scholarship Fund and Hauger FUOBS Summer Graduate Research Fellowship.

2014: 65 scholarships totaling $17,125 and two summer graduate research fellowships totaling $5,000

2013: 63 scholarships totaling $18,000 and two summer graduate research fellowships totaling $5,000

2012: 50 scholarships totaling $15,300 and four summer graduate research fellowships totaling $10,000

2011: 52 scholarships totaling $15,700 and two summer graduate research fellowships totaling $5,000

2010: 49 scholarships totaling $19,300 and two summer graduate research fellowships totaling $5,000

2009: 43 scholarships totaling $15,075 and two summer graduate research fellowships totaling $5,000

2008: 46 scholarships totaling $14,200 and two summer graduate research fellowships totaling $5,000






15389 Station Road
Kingston, OK 73439-8744

Phone: (405) 325-7430 OR
Answering machine: (580) 564-2478
Fax: (580) 564-2479

Bio Station logo

Updated November 19, 2014 by Donna Cobb, dcobb@ou.edu
Friends of the OU Biological Station, fuobs@ou.edu