One of the most historic OU arts facilities, Carpenter Hall contains Musical Theatre faculty and administrative offices as well as dance and performance studios.
Our facilities in Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts are diverse, unique, and breathtaking. The various platforms by which performances are presented allows audiences to experience productions in the best possible way.

Home to the School of Music, the Catlett Music Center includes Sharp Concert Hall, Pitman Recital Hall, the Fine Arts Library and Media Center as well as faculty studios, ensemble rehearsal rooms and electronic music labs.

With a grant of a $12.2 million dollars from the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation, historic Holmberg Hall underwent a complete renovation including new studios for the School of Dance and re-opened in 2005.

2015 marked the completion of a multi-million dollar renovation and re-opening of newly dedicated Elsie C. Brackett Theatre. This 570 seat proscenium space with flexible apron and thrust configuration includes state-of-the-art sound equipment, motorized hoists and stage lifts as well as modern theatre seating.

The Fred Jones, Jr. Museum of Art showcases the Weitzenhoffer Collection, the single most important collection of French Impressionistic paintings ever given to a public university.
Located inside Beatrice Carr Wallace Old Science Hall (2nd floor) is the E. Frank Gilson Lab Theatre, a 73-seat proscenium theatre with an off-Broadway feel. Lab Theatre productions are edgy, contemporary and include the Faith Broome Playwright Festival.

Located in the Donald W. Reynolds Performing Arts Center, the renovation of this 677-seat theatre was completed in 2005 and is Oklahoma’s only European-style performance hall.

The Brackett and Weitzenhofffer Theatres, shop spaces for scenery and costumes as well as drama and dance studios are located in the Rupel J. Jones Fine Arts Center named in honor of former Regents’ Professor of Drama Rupel Jones.

Located in the Fine Arts Center, the Weitzenhoffer Theatre is a 200-seat flexible thrust/arena venue where the musicals The Great Unknown and Lily & Lily had their world premieres.