Useful Online Tools

These online sources will be useful to you while you are at OU as well as after you return home.

Craig Branham's Guide to Research with the WWW

Research links

Online Critiques

Guide to Grammar & Writing    Click on the index for explanations, examples, quizzes, and more about your special grammar problems.

Directions for viewing a powerpoint presentation

Verb Review

Purdue Online Writing Lab  This site has lots of grammar information.  Check the handouts on prepositions, for example.

Dave Sperling's ESL Cafe

ESL Resources

ESL Links for Students

Rong-Chang Li's ESL site

Vocabulary Building

Word of the Day   Discover a new English word each day from this site.

Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

Hungersite      Help combat world hunger by accessing this site every day

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