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Sooner Works Admissions

The 2025-2026 application is now closed..

Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for the Sooner Works program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a documented intellectual disability (ID) as defined by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD).
  • Be between the ages of 18-26 at the start of the program.
  • Be independent in handling medication, dietary, and other personal needs, as Sooner Works staff cannot manage these responsibilities.
  • Have sufficient emotional and independent stability to participate in all aspects of Sooner Works, including attending 90-minute academic courses and functioning independently in campus settings.
  • Demonstrate a desire to complete the Sooner Works program and adhere to program policies regarding attendance, participation, and conduct.

Important Considerations

  • Applicants must be their own guardian and demonstrate the ability to accept responsibility for their actions while maintaining respect for themselves and others.
  • The program is not equipped to manage severe behavioral or emotional problems; therefore, applicants must have no history of disruptive or aggressive behaviors.
  • Selection for Sooner Works is highly competitive due to space limitations, and not all applicants who meet the criteria will be granted an interview or acceptance into the program.

Application Process

Inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE) programs vary significantly in structure, support, and levels of independence. Some programs offer intensive support and daily supervision, while others focus on fostering autonomy, where students are expected to manage their responsibilities more independently. Sooner Works emphasizes student independence by promoting self-management in academics, daily living, and time management. While students receive individualized support in areas such as academic enrichment, career development, and independent living, our program does not provide 24/7 supervision. Instead, students are expected to follow the same rules, responsibilities, and Code of Conduct as all OU students. The application process helps ensure that our program’s philosophy and level of support match the prospective students’ needs and expectations. This allows students and their families to determine if Sooner Works is the right fit for their college experience. The process involves the following steps:



Complete the application form through the Sooner Works Qualtrics link. This form will include personal information, academic history, and documentation of intellectual disability. The application is estimated to take 60-90 minutes to complete. The application form open October 1, 2024.

Supporting Documentation
Applicants must upload the following supporting documents as part of their application:

  • High school transcript. Unofficial transcript is acceptable at this stage, but accepted students must submit an official high school transcript before being admitted to the University of Oklahoma.
  • Most recent IEP
  • Most recent psychological evaluation, if available
  • (Optional) Any additional materials the applicant would like to have considered (e.g. resume, certificates of completion, documentation of accomplishments).

Personal Statements
Applicants will be asked to submit a 3-minute video that responds to the following prompt:

Introduce yourself to us in your own way! Tell us about your hobbies, what you enjoy doing, and something you’re proud of. Why are you excited about going to college, and what do you hope to experience at Sooner Works? Share anything fun or unique about you!

Applicants will be asked to write a 500-word essay that responds to the following prompt:

Write a short essay explaining why you want to join Sooner Works. What are your goals, and how do you want Sooner Works to help you? Think about the skills you want to learn, how you want to become more independent, and how this program can help you get ready for a future job or career.

Applicants are required to request two individuals who know them well to complete an online recommendation form. These individuals may include teachers, mentors, or other professionals who can speak to the applicant's strengths, abilities, and readiness for the Sooner Works program. The recommendation form is a critical part of the application process as it provides insights into the applicant's suitability for the program, particularly their emotional stability, maturity, and desire for independence.


Who should complete the recommendation form?
Applicants must choose two individuals who are familiar with their personal and academic performance. These could be current or former teachers, counselors, job coaches, or other mentors.

What does the recommendation form include?
The form asks the recommender to answer specific questions about the applicant’s ability to thrive in the Sooner Works program. This is not a traditional letter of recommendation. Recommenders will complete an online form that includes a Personal Support Inventory and several open-ended questions about the applicant’s strengths, challenges, and readiness for the transition to college life.

The applicant will waive their right to view the completed recommendation forms. This ensures that all responses remain confidential and provides an honest assessment of the applicant’s potential.

How to request recommendations:
Once applicants have identified their two recommenders, they should send them the link to the online recommendation form. The link will be sent to the applicant’s email upon completion of the online application. Applicants are encouraged to inform their recommenders ahead of time about the form and the purpose of the recommendation, so they can complete it thoughtfully and in a timely manner.


Qualified applicants will be contacted to schedule an in-person or virtual interview. Both the student and their family will participate in this meeting, during which we will discuss the student’s goals, interests, and readiness for the program.

Family Expectations
During the interview, we will meet with families to outline their evolving role as the student gains independence. Sooner Works emphasizes autonomy and self-management in academics, living, and time management. Students are given significant freedom and are expected to manage their own responsibilities. Families should prepare to step back from advocacy roles, empowering the student to make decisions and solve challenges on their own. We will discuss how families can best support this journey by encouraging independence, guiding complex decisions, and respecting the student’s autonomy.

Admissions decisions are made based on the strength of the application, interview, and the program’s capacity. Accepted students will receive a formal acceptance letter along with next steps for enrollment. Sooner Works will guide applicants through the following steps in their transition to the University of Oklahoma, including completing university admission requirements, applying for housing, enrolling in classes, and preparing for the start of their college experience.


For more detailed information about applying to Sooner Works, download the Admissions and Application Guide.