2022 Working Conditions and Well-being of Early Childhood and K-12 Leaders
- 2,347 leaders responded
- 1,486 K-12 leaders
- 861 ECE Leaders
- 42% suburban
- 32% rural
- 26% urban
- Average of 55 hours of work a week
- 77% say the workload is very high
- 5 of 7 average autonomy (Over 7 Key Areas of Building Leadership)
- 2.5 of 7 average self-care report
- 78% overweight/obese (BMI of 25 or higher-CDC guidlines)
- 24% high blood pressure (docotor diagnosed at any point in lifetime)
- 50% fast food (2 or more times/week)
- 36% moderate-to-vigorous excerise (3 or more times/week)
- 51% have trouble sleeping (4 or more nights waking up/can't sleep)
- 38% depression symptoms (at high risk of depression)
- 26% anxiety (doctor diagnosed at any point in lifetime)
- 63% are satifised with their job
- 60% rarely feel isolated in the workplace
- 29% likely to leave position in the next year
PI: Dr. Tim Ford tgford@ou.edu
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Jeannine Rainbold College of Education