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News and Notes

Faculty and Staff

A recording of Learning in Relation: Creating Online Indigenous Language Courses, organized by Assistant Professor Kari Chew, Courtney Tennell (EDPY doctoral student) and Melvin Calls Him (ELPS doctoral student) is now available. Indigenous language advocates discuss online language education technologies that center Indigenous ways of knowing and being.

Chew and Tennell published “Sustaining and revitalizing Indigenous languages in Oklahoma public schools: Educational sovereignty in language policy and planning.” As Indigenous scholars committed to Indigenous education in Oklahoma, they use a decolonizing approach to consider how the 39 Indigenous Nations in the state assert educational sovereignty to sustain Indigenous high school students’ linguistic and cultural identities. This work was supported by a Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education grant.

image of Indigenizing Educatio book cover with 4 drawings of people standing in front of crops

Chew is a contributor to the new book, Indigenizing education: Transformative theories and possibilities in Indigenous communities America (edited by J. Garcia, V. Shirley, and H. Kulago). You can read a post-review version of the chapter “Chikashshanompaat bílli'ya: The Chickasaw language is forever” on SHAREOK:

Committed to Chikashshanompa’ (Chickasaw language) revitalization, Chew and Lokosh (Joshua D. Hinson, Ph.D., OU alum) published the first Chikashshanompa’/English bilingual journal article. Chikashsha alhihaat Chikashshanompa' anompoli katihma: Chickasaws are still speaking Chikashshanompa' shares how those who care deeply for the language tend to it, making it possible for future generations to learn and to speak Chikashshanompa'. This open-access article is available in the first volume of the multilingual journal Living Languages/Lenguas Vivas/Línguas Vivas

Headshot of William Davis in a blue plaid shirt

Assistant Professor William S. Davis published “Social Justice Standards in Teacher Education: Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers’ Successes, Struggles, and Futures” in the Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educator Journal.

Headshot of Bill Frick in a blue shirt

Professor Bill Frick has authored the book Best Interests of the Student: Applying Ethical Constructs to Legal Cases in Education. Best Interests of the Student presents both a theoretical model for guiding educators as they confront legal and ethical dilemmas in their schools, as well as highly accessible and annotated court cases for exploration. Click here for more information.

Teachers College Record recently reviewed the book.

Professor Xun Ge is the co-recipient of the 2022 American Association of School Libraries Research Grant Award, with Kyungwon Koh and Julia Burns Petrella from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Ge and Ceyhun Muftuoglu (EDPY doctoral student) and Spencer Brickell (EDPY doctoral student), have recently published a book chapter titled “Instructional Design from the Lens of Self-regulated Ill-structured Problem Solving: Research and Application Guidelines” in the book The Instructional Design Trainer’s Guide: Authentic Practices and Considerations for Mentoring ID and ED Tech Professionals, published by Routledge.

headshot of Siduri Haslerig in a green sweater

Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Siduri Haslerig was named a 2022 Emerging Scholar by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education. At OU and the Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education since 2014, Haslerig has overseen and grown the concentration in intercollegiate athletics administration as an associate professor of adult and higher education. She took on the role of associate dean in January 2022.

To read more about this honor, click here. Haslerig is featured on page 24 of the publication.

Assistant Professor Kirsten Hextrum's book Special Admission: How College Sports Recruitment Favors White Suburban Athletes has been awarded an Honorable Mention designation for the 2022 Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award. The Society of Professors of Education is an organization that, since 1902, has provided a forum for addressing the issues facing the discipline and vocation of education.

Hextrum’s book was also featured in Diverse Issues in Higher Ed.

headshot of Crag HIll

Associate Professor Crag Hill and the Oklahoma Writing Project received a $50,000 grant from National Writing Project Corporation | NP-NWPC for their research project titled “Engaging Humanities Through Art Summer Institute.”

The National Writing Project is network of teachers, university faculty, researchers, writers and community educators working to advance writing and the teaching of writing.

headshot of Brittany Hott

Associate Professor Brittany Hott (associate director, Institute for Community and Societal Transformation), along with co-authors Assistant Professor Corey Peltier, Stephanie Morano (assistant professor in special education, University of Virginia), Joshua Pulos (OU '21, assistant professor in special education, James Madison University) and Tiffany Peltier (OU ‘22), were recognized by Wiley for their work appearing in Learning Disabilities Research & Practice.

headshot of Corey Peltier in a blue blazer standing outside

Their article, “Are Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities Receiving FAPE?: Insights from a Descriptive Review of Individualized Education Programs,” was among the top-cited papers and generated immediate community impact. Wiley used citation data from Clarivate Analytics to determine the top-cited articles published between January 2020 to December 2021 to identify awardees.

Associate Dean and Professor Vickie Lake and Calico Hagedorn (B.S. Ed. student) were interviewed by News6 in Tulsa about the role the pandemic has played in Oklahoma's teacher shortage and the work being done to address it. Watch the interview at

Students and Alumni

headshot of Terry Adams in a blue sport coat

Terry Adams (ELPS doctoral student) was named the 2022 Oklahoma Principal of the Year. Adams is the principal at Bixby High School. He will be recognized as the Oklahoma Principal of the Year at a Summer Leadership Conference in June. Learn more here:

Sarah Heiniger (EDPY doctoral student) was selected as a recipient of the 2022 Provost’s Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. She was recognized at the Graduate College’s Award Ceremony on April 28.

Laura Latta (M.Ed. 2015; Ph.D. 2019) was named founding executive director of the Tulsa Higher Education Consortium.

Kaylee McKinney (ELPS doctoral student) and Professor Xun Ge successfully provided a guest lecture online about early childhood education in the United States to over 200 students and faculty at Quanzhou Vocational and Technical University in China on March 24, while the city was in a lockdown state due to the pandemic. 

Rebecca Maldonado (M.Ed. 2016; Ph.D. 2021) was invited to serve as a committee member for the National Council of Teachers of English Orbis Pictus Award. Her committee position runs through 2024. The award was established in 1989 to promote and recognize excellence in the writing of nonfiction for children.

Sage Mauldin (ELPS doctoral student) was a recipient of a recipient of the Provost’s Certificate of Distinction in Teaching at OU.

Ja’Corie Maxwell (ILAC doctoral student), Tonya Campbell (ILAC doctoral student), Amanda Cummings (ILAC doctoral student) and Julia Prise (ILAC doctoral student) had articles published in the Oklahoma Council of Teachers of Mathematics Fall 2021 OCTM Journal. Maxwell, Campbell, Cummings and Prise co-authored a piece, while Prise also published a second article. You can read the journal here.

Belkis standing in front of a blue wall holding a plaque

Belkis Choiseul-Praslin (Ph.D. 2021) received second place in the Council for Exceptional Children Sitlington Research Competition for her dissertation, “Psychometric properties of the Spanish translated transition assessment and goal generator.” She also won the CEC Division for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learners Student Dissertation Award. Choiseul-Praslin now works at Think College.

Jill Bush Raines (M.Ed. 1989) was named vice provost of health sciences administration at the OU Health Sciences Center in January 2020. Prior to that, she spent 28 years in OU’s legal counsel office.

Sam Summers (B.S. Ed. 2010; M.Ed. 2015) was named principal at Lakeview Intermediate in Yukon Public Schools for 2022-23. Summers previously served as interim principal and assistant principal at Longfellow Middle School in Norman Public Schools.

Murat Turk (Ph.D. 2022), along with Associate Professor Benjamin Heddy, co-authored the article, “Teaching and social presences supporting basic needs satisfaction in online learning environments” in Computers & Education. Read the article here.