Horm Gives Master Lecture

Early Childhood Education Institute Director and Professor Diane Horm had the distinguished honor of delivering a master lecture at the National Research Conference on Early Childhood.
The event highlights cutting-edge research on low-income families with young children by supporting dialogue between researchers, policymakers, and program and administrative staff designed to strengthen education for young children, bring the latest information to those establishing national policies, and contribute to the development of a meaningful research agenda in the early care and education field.
Originally scheduled for June 2020 in Washington, D.C., the event was pushed back to December and moved to an online format.
Horm’s lecture, “Looking Back, Looking Forward,” traced the evolution of thought and research on infant-toddler group care, using her own career development and insights as a roadmap. She also highlighted seminal research findings and influential reports from the past 50 years to illustrate the changing research questions and perceptions of infant-toddler group care.
Horm was also part of a symposium with Shannon Guss, formerly of the ECEI. Shinyoung Jeon and Liz Frechette also presented a paper symposium. ECEI staff with posters in the conference included: Horm, Sherri Castle, Shinyoung, Liz, Melissa Acton and Holly Neveu. Associate Professor Kyong-Ah Kwon and Adrien Malek with the College of Education also had multiple posters in the conference.