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DGCC Meeting Notes 2017

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Data Governance Coordinating Committee: Notes from 2017 Meetings

Meeting DateTopics Discussed
January 3, 2017
[Meeting Cancelled]
January 17, 2017

Data Governance Presentation at ATE

Organizational Owner of DRRG

DART Data Review Subgroup Participation in DRRG Process

January 31, 2017

DRRG 10.1 Revised DubLab Proposal

Recordkeeping for Email Votes/Discussion

Data Owner(s) of Course Management System

February 14, 2017[Meeting Cancelled]
February 28, 2017

DRRG 2 Digital Measures Activity Insight

DRRG 3.2 OU Bound Financial Success Plan

DRRG 7 Reporting Access to D2L (metadata)

DRRG 21 Minimum Payment Bursar

March 14, 2017[Meeting Cancelled]
March 28, 2017

DRRG 3.1 OU Innovate Append Data Feed

DRRG 19 Data Architecture Phase I Raw Layer

DRRG 23 IBM OU Engagement

April 11, 2017[Meeting Cancelled]
April 25, 2017

DRRG 19 Data Architecture Phase I Raw Layer

DRRG 3 Student Data Profile

DRRG 20 iAdvise Notes to Banner

DRRG 24 iAdvise Access to ODS Student Curricular History Detail

DRRG 26 Salesforce CRM for Retention Task Force

May 9, 2017

DRRG 3.3 Student Data Profile - Sooner Card Balances

DRRG 3.4 Student Data Profile - Photo Roster

DRRG 31 Scheduling and Classroom Lookup API

Draft DRRG Charter

May 23, 2017
[Meeting Cancelled]
June 6, 2017[Meeting Cancelled]
June 20, 2017[Meeting Cancelled]
July 4, 2017[Meeting Cancelled - Holiday]
July 18, 2017[Meeting Cancelled]
August 1, 2017[Meeting Cancelled]
August 15, 2017[Meeting Cancelled]
August 29, 2017

DGCC Charter Status and Reporting Responsibilities

September 12, 2017[Meeting Cancelled]
September 26, 2017[Meeting Cancelled]
October 10, 2017
[Meeting Cancelled]
October 26, 2017

DRRG 32.1 Education CRM Addendum

Data Access Discussion

Future of DGCC