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Disbanded DART Communications

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Disbanded DART Communications Subteam Function and Charter

UPDATE: During the DART meeting on 12/14/2017, it was decided to fold the responsibilities of this subteam into the DART Community Support Subteam. The DART Communications Subteam is now disbanded.

The DART Communications Subteam seeks to aid and ensure good communication within OU’s BI Community, primarily focusing on the student, human resource, and financial computer systems.

Falling under the over-arching DART charter, the DART Communications Subteam Charter is: 

Communicate important BI-related information to the reporting community, such as data store upgrades or changes, reporting tool upgrades or changes, new or changed objects or reports, policy or standards changes, data outages, and any like issue affecting campus-wide reporting for which broad communication, coordination, and representation are needed.  In the case of upgrades, this group will be the liaisons between IT, the larger DART group, and the user community, and may help coordinate upgrade timing.