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People | Oklahoma Climatological Survey


Thomas Andrews.
Thomas Andrews
Web Developer
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Ethan Becker
Mesonet Operations and QA Manager
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Trey Bell
SCIPP Engagement Associate
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Darrian Bertrand
SCIPP Climate Assessment Specialist
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Jared Bostic
Senior System Administrator
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Amanda Bryant
Senior Accounting Specialist
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Mason Burris
Student Intern
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Anthony Castillo
Student Employee
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Caylah Cruickshank
SCIPP Program Manager
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Dr. Chris Fiebrich
OCS Director
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
John Gibson
Research Associate
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Michael Gonzalez
Student Mesonet Operator
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
David Grimsley
Manager of Sensors and Measurement Systems
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Geraldine Hand
Staff Assistant II
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Xochitl Hidalgo
SCIPP Student Research Assistant
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
James Hocker
Public Safety Outreach Program Manager
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Dr. Brad Illston
Senior Research Scientist; Research and Data Services Manager
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Sarah King
QA Student Assistant
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Kyle Kipple
Student Outreach Assistant
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Michael Klatt
Software Engineer
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Cynthia Luttrell
Mesonet Director
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Natalie Machado
Student Outreach Assistant
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Dr. Monica Mattox
Research Scientist; Assistant State Climatologist
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Gary McManus
Oklahoma State Climatologist
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Andrea Melvin
Outreach Program Manager
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Elise Moore
Student Mesonet Operator
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
SeanPaul Padilla
Student Mesonet Operator
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Rachel Riley
Director of SCIPP
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Scott Rosser
Mesonet Electronics Technician
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Dr. Mark Shafer
Deputy Director of SCIPP; Associate State Climatologist
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Jackson Shumaker
Student Mesonet Operator
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Christian Slay
Software Developer
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Thomas Stanley
Senior Software Engineer
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Steven Thompson
Mesonet Electronics Technician
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Jonathan Thornton
Manager of Software Development
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Amanda Voth
Student Operator
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Misty Wilson
Administrative/Finance Coordinator
Dark gray icon of a person on a light gray background used as an image placeholder.
Kirk Wilson
Field Operations Manager