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Academic Integrity

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Academic Integrity

It is the mission of the University of Oklahoma to create an academic culture that fosters student integrity both in and out of the classroom. Resources found throughout this website can help you to understand this mission, as well as guide you through the academic integrity system.

Authenticity Reminder

The Office of Academic Integrity Programs and Integrity Council reminds students that no resource should ever be used to replace original thought or effort. Every college assignment is meant to improve a student’s understanding of the subject matter and allow a professor to assess the student’s understanding. Therefore, all academic work submitted by a student should be the product of the student's own understanding and effort. Unless specifically permitted by the professor, and clearly indicated by the student through proper attribution, it is cheating to submit any academic work that originates from another source.

From sharing notes to the emergence of the internet, generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, join a long list of technological advancements that have significantly impacted education. When used properly, these resources can aid in a student’s understanding of a particular topic and can be celebrated for the contributions to advancing knowledge. When used improperly, any resource can undercut the purpose and value of academic work.

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  • Interested in a classroom presentation?

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