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Bijan Hosseini

Bijan Hosseini, Class of 2015
Producer, CNN International Productions

June 2022 Spotlight

Bijan Hosseini.

From an early age, Bijan Hosseini knew he wanted to tell the stories of the people who live in the Middle East, which led to him double majoring in journalism and international security studies at the University of Oklahoma. The 2015 OU graduate is fulfilling that career goal, currently living in the United Arab Emirates and working for CNN International Productions. Hosseini recently shared more about his job, how Gaylord prepared him for his career and more.

What is your favorite memory from your time at Gaylord College?
There are far too many! I remember the first time I saw the OU Nightly studio. I watched as upper classmates seamlessly put together a live, half-hour news show. I wanted to be part of that team more than anything. That moment went on to shape the rest of my time at Gaylord College and those evenings spent in the studio became some of my fondest memories.

Do you have a favorite faculty/staff member at Gaylord?
The legend, Mike Boettcher. Mike was, and continues to be, an inspiration and a mentor to me. His knowledge inside the classroom prepared me for a career in journalism, but it was his help outside of the classroom that really impacted me. Mike got me my first internship at KFOR and helped me land my first job at CNN. I owe a lot of where I am today to Mike.

How did your career path lead you to CNN?
Being the son of an Iranian immigrant, I was always fascinated by the Middle East. Growing up, I dreamed of traveling there, meeting the people and telling their stories. I chose to study international studies and journalism so that I could someday work for an international news organization like CNN. Toward the end of my senior year, I was offered a reporting job at a local station in Tulsa. The news director who offered me the job left shortly after and as a result the job offer was put on hold. I decided at that moment (with nothing to lose) that I would apply for a job on CNN’s international desk in Atlanta. I was lucky enough to land the job and moved out to Atlanta two weeks later to start my professional career!

Describe your role at CNN.
I currently work as a producer for CNN’s Global International Production team out of Abu Dhabi. I produce half-hour feature shows, TV segments and digital stories focusing on business climate change, tech, art, culture, lifestyle and travel from around the Middle East. Prior to this, I worked as a news desk researcher for CNN International.

What do you consider to be the most significant moments of your career so far?
I think making the move from Atlanta to the United Arab Emirates has been the most significant moment. It’s impacted my life in so many ways, both personally and professionally. Since moving, I’ve interviewed hundreds of people and have made unforgettable memories filming on the road.

How did Gaylord College prepare you for your future career? 
Gaylord is unique in that it prepares you with the academic knowledge you need to succeed, but equally important, it gives you the opportunity to learn and practice real-world applications. It was OU Nightly, and it’s state-of-the-art-facilities, that really gave me a strategic advantage over my peers from other universities. In addition, the faculty and staff at Gaylord are well connected and have immeasurable experience from the field. It’s their knowledge that sets Gaylord’s curriculum apart from the rest.

What advice would you give to current students aspiring to a career in mass communication?
Be curious. Keep asking questions and keep learning. Treat everyone in the business with respect. It really is a small industry and your reputation can make or break you. Lean on your professors for help inside and outside of the classroom. Most importantly, never forget the joy you have for the craft. There will be long nights, weekends spent crashing on a deadline, bosses who tear up your scripts, but in the end remember how lucky you are to pursue a career that you genuinely enjoy.

What do you do for fun outside of work?
I enjoy traveling. Exploring new places and cultures – the spontaneity of showing up in a place with no plans and seeing where the wind takes you. I also enjoy a night out with friends, and breaking a sweat now and then. When I really need to escape reality, you can find me on my Xbox.