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Faculty and Staff Honored by OU

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Faculty and Staff Honored with Campus Awards

Several Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education faculty and a doctoral student were honored at the Norman campus Faculty Awards and Honors Luncheon on April 14 in the Molly Shi Boren Ballroom, Oklahoma Memorial Union.

JRCoE Graduate Programs Liaison Mike Jenkins is a recipient this year of the OU Graduate College Graddy Award acknowledging graduate liaisons and staff graduate administrators who go above and beyond in support of our graduate students. Jenkins was the sole staff recipient of the award this year. Jennifer Cricchio received a Distinguished Performance Award at the campus staff awards in April.

Libby standing with Provost Wright while holding a plaque

Provost’s Community Engagement Award for Outstanding Engaged Teaching

Elizabeth Ann Ethridge
Department of Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum

headshot of Tim Ford on a red background

Henry Daniel Rinsland Memorial Award for Excellence in Educational Research

Timothy G. Ford
Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Siduri standing between Provost Wright and President Harroz


Linda Clarke Anderson Presidential Professorship

Siduri J. Haslerig
Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Heather standing with Provost Wright holding a plaque


Provost’s Award for Outstanding Faculty Service

Heather J. Shotton
Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Lillian Miller standing with Provost Wright holding a plaque

University College Seminar Outstanding Instructor Award

Lillian Miller, University College
Adult and Higher Education Doctoral Student


Mike Jenkins in a blue sweater standing next to graduate college member

OU Graduate College Graddy Award

Mike Jenkins, Graduate Programs Support Liasion

slide with Jen Cricchio's headshot and name

OU Distinguished Performance Award

Jennifer Cricchio
Dean's Office