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WaTER Center

OU WaTER Center

Welcome to the Water Technologies for Emerging Regions (WaTER) Center at the University of Oklahoma.

About The Water Center

The WaTER Center is a grass roots, faculty led effort that began in 2006. The Center was developed to meet a growing need for university-based programs with the personnel and abilities to play a key part in the international water supply and sanitation scene through the development and transfer of appropriate and sustainable water and sanitation solutions.

Our mission is to promote peace by advancing health, education, and economic development through sustainable water and sanitation solutions for impoverished regions, using innovative teaching, research, service, and leadership. We invite you to learn more about our Center, including related research, events and ways you can connect with us. 

Learn More about the WaTER Center

International WaTER Conference/Symposium

Every other year since 2009, the WaTER Center hosts the OU International WaTER Conference and Water Prize Award in Norman, Oklahoma. Every other year since 2008, the center also hosts the OU Water Symposia, during which an assembly of water experts gather to select the WaTER Price Award recipient, who delivers a plenary speech during the following conference.

Saving the World One Drop At a Time.

Man with boy walking down dirt road with small boy in Africa.

Global Impact

The WaTER Center at the University of Oklahoma is bringing together researchers and advocates from around the world to focus on the life-sustaining resource, clean water. The center reports that more children die each year due to unsafe water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene than AIDS and malaria. This is not due to water scarcity, but rather poverty, inequality and government failures.

By The Numbers

Global Water & Sanitation Access

About one-sixth of the world's population lacks access to safe water. 2.6 billion people lack access to improved sanitation. On average a child dies every 15 seconds due to lack of safe water and adequate sanitation.

Health Impact

88 percent
of all diseases are caused by unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene.

Water Usage

The average American individual uses 100 to 176 gallons of water at home each day while the average African family uses about 5 gallons per day.