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SLIS Seek Applications for 2024 PhD Cohort

SLIS Seeks Applications for Information Studies Ph.D. Program for the 2024 Cohort

December 12, 2023

The School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) at the University of Oklahoma, an iSchool affiliate, is accepting applications to our Ph.D. in Information Studies program for our 2024 cohort. The program will prepare graduates to lead in creative research and teaching in academic environments, policymaking, and consulting for corporate, nonprofit, or governmental institutions. 

The goals of the program are:

  • To cultivate a community of students capable of conducting original, sustained, and effective research in the field of information studies that solves significant problems;
  • To foster students to become catalysts for change and leading advocates who effectively address the information needs of a diverse, pluralistic society in culturally responsible and sensitive ways;
  • To prepare students to educate the next generation of information professionals in a highly technological and information-based society.

We are looking for exceptional students with interests in a variety of areas including, but not limited to:


Information behavior, including health information behavior; the use of information and technology by individuals of all ages; and scholarly communication.

Digital youth, including young adults and children’s interactions with technology and libraries; digital literacy and practices; makerspaces; social media; and digital ethics.

Social and cultural studies, including all aspects of archival research and practice; marginalized and underrepresented communities; multicultural librarianship; social justice; history; race and gender studies; and libraries and society.

Digital humanities, including use of computational tools and methods to explore humanities-based questions, user-centered design of digital humanities online resources, developing collaborative spaces and practices to facilitate digital humanities scholarship.

Information systems, including information retrieval, data analytics; informetrics; bibliometrics; and informatics; knowledge management; human-computer interaction; recommender systems; intelligent assistants, and text mining.

Information policy, including philosophy of information; information theory development and diffusion; and the information industry.

Archival studies, including critical theory and social justice in archives; access and policy; digital curation and technologies in archives; archival management and administration; future directions in archives.

A lamppost with an OU flag in front of the historic entrance of Bizzell Library on the Norman Campus.

SLIS is located on two campuses, in Norman and in Tulsa, and comprises a faculty with diverse research and teaching interests that can be further explored on our website. SLIS is a unit of the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences, and offers opportunities for students to access courses from other departments as related to their specific interests. SLIS faculty are involved in multiple projects and have received funding from national sources such as NSF, IMLS, and the Mellon Foundation.

Degree Requirements:

A total of 90 hours beyond the bachelor’s are required for the degree. Up to 30 hours may be transferred in from a relevant master’s program with permission from SLIS. All students must complete a general examination, present a dissertation prospectus, and submit and defend a dissertation representing an original contribution to the field.

Students may pursue the Ph.D. on a full-time or part-time basis. All degree requirements must be completed within 10 years of beginning the program.

There are a number of graduate assistant positions across the university in libraries, archives, and other departments.

For full consideration, applications are due no later than January 15, 2024. For questions or more information, please contact the SLIS Director, Dr. June Abbas, at, or 405-325-3921

Apply Here