PHIL 1013-001 Introduction to Philosophy [IV-WC]
TR 12:00-1:15, Dale Hall 122
Evan Cheney
God is dead. The declaration of Friedrich Nietzsche still resounds its haunting echo. Despite the certainty and boldness of his claim, the question still remains: was he correct? The truth of this statement can only be investigated through philosophy. What we call “Philosophy” is a combination of the Classical Greek “philos” (love of) and “sophia” (wisdom). For the Greeks, Sophia specifically referred to the knowledge of higher principles. An analysis of these principles brings us to the central questions of our course: 1) Do we have an essential self or soul? 2) How much do our bodies determine who we are? 3) What else determines who we are? 4) How did we get here? 5) What is the nature of reality? 6) How do we know what we know? 7) Is knowledge attainable? 8) What is the basis of religious belief? For philosophers, in order to live the best life that we can, we must answer these questions for ourselves. In an increasingly connected world, we will not only look to different thinkers throughout history, but also around the globe. How might 18th Century Scottish Philosopher David Hume’s view of the self compare with the ancient Buddhist monk Nagasena? How does the Sioux medicine man Black Elk’s vision of religion differ from that of Saint Augustine? By examining these thinkers, each of us will come to our own answers and hopefully use those answers in our pursuit of the good life.
PHIL 1013-002 Introduction to Philosophy [IV-WC]
MWF 10:00-10:50, Zarrow Hall 105
Layla Williams
By studying and developing philosophical thinking we come to better understand ourselves and the world we inhabit. Philosophy deals with problem spaces by examining the most interesting and difficult questions relevant to our human existence: How should we live? How can we tell what is right and wrong? What can we know and how do we know? What is the world like? We will engage with some of the most influential thinkers and topics in philosophy related to these questions. This course aims to give you the foundations necessary for deep reflection and analytical reasoning.
PHIL 1013-003 Introduction to Philosophy (HONORS) [IV-WC]
TR 1:30-2:45, Dale Hall Tower 607
Martin Montminy
This course is a thematic introduction to philosophy that focuses on some of the most central issues in the field. The topics we will discuss include the existence of God, the mind-body problem, free will, the nature of persons and morality. By the end of the semester, students will not only be familiar with some of the central philosophical questions, but will have developed and sharpened their analytic and argumentative skills.
PHIL 1013-004 Introduction to Philosophy [IV-WC]
T 5:00-7:40, Farzaneh Hall 150
Joshua Spears
This course is a thematic introduction to philosophy that focuses on some of the most central issues in the field. The topics we will discuss include the existence of God, the mind-body problem, free will, the nature of persons and morality. By the end of the semester, students will not only be familiar with some of the central philosophical questions, but will have developed and sharpened their analytic and argumentative skills.
PHIL 1013-995 Introduction to Philosophy [IV-WC]
Online (Asynchronous)
Owen Spalding
This course will introduce students to a variety of fundamental philosophical questions through the close reading of primary sources, both historical and contemporary. The course is designed to help you learn and develop the skills needed to address, engage, and perhaps ultimately attempt to answer such questions. These skills include (a) careful reading of philosophical works, (b) critical evaluation of arguments, (c) the clear and effective written presentation of a philosophical view, and (d) the rigorous but charitable interpretation of presented arguments. To facilitate this, we will engage the assigned readings through close reading, lecture, discussion, and debate.
PHIL 1113-001 Introduction to Logic [I-M]
TR 1:30-2:45, Gould Hall 155
Wayne Riggs
This course is an introduction to the techniques and results of modern symbolic logic. We will begin with fundamental concepts of logic, such as validity, consistency, and possibility, and then learn to apply these concepts in evaluating arguments. Along the way, you will learn to uncover the sometimes hidden logical form of arguments in natural languages.
PHIL 1233-001 Contemporary Moral Issues [IV-WC]
MWF 2:00-2:50, Dale Hall Tower 607
Andy Huynh
In our lives, we face a multitude of pressing moral and political questions that demand thoughtful and demanding reflection. As social and moral beings, we all inquire about what moral values are important to us and the moral and social obligations that we owe to others. Through philosophical engagement, we will explore many contemporary moral issues and their corresponding debates and arguments. For this purpose, we will explore some influential ethical theories which will provide us with the tools and skills on how we can systematically analyze such moral topics in a rigorous manner. By the end of the semester, we should all be able to listen and respond to others about pressing and difficult moral questions in a respectful, compassionate, and properly critical manner. What is most important about our philosophical journey together is not the conclusions that we may or may not reach to the moral questions presented in the course, but in how we reach our conclusions through thoughtful discussion and sound arguments.
PHIL 1263-995 Introduction to Ethics in Health Care [IV-WC]
Online (Asynchronous)
Violet Victoria
This course introduces key topics and arguments in healthcare ethics and bioethics, organized into five units. Unit 1 explores foundational principles of healthcare ethics, focusing on the balance between doctor and patient autonomy. Unit 2 examines disparities in healthcare caused by racism, ableism, classism, anti-fatness, and sexism. Unit 3 investigates challenges in public health within a capitalist framework, while Unit 4 addresses resource limitations and systems-level solutions. Unit 5 concludes with reflections on the relevance of healthcare ethics to lived experiences.
The online delivery of this course emphasizes active participation and aims to develop your appreciation for the complexity of healthcare ethics, an ability to understanding and negotiate multiple sides of issues, and the ability to evaluate and analyze your preferences in determining solutions.
PHIL 1273-001 Introduction to Business Ethics [IV-WC]
MWF 10:00-10:50, Gaylord Hall 2030
Jonathan Mitchell
An overview of important issues in business ethics, including the morality of market systems, business-customer relations, employer-employee relations, and firm-shareholder relations. The course will introduce facts and concepts drawn from economic analysis and business practice, as well as a variety of philosophical approaches used to analyze ethical considerations.
The goal of this course is to give students the philosophical knowledge and skills which can be effectively applied to a wide range of business-related ethical issues.
PHIL 1273-002 Introduction to Business Ethics [IV-WC]
MWF 1:00-1:50, Online
Tyler Huismann
Moral considerations pervade our lives, and business situations are no exception. In this course, we will be concerned with the ethical content of commerce, from the morality of market institutions to the normative considerations involved in business-customer, employer-employee, and firm-shareholder relations. We will consider all of these issues from the standpoints of moral psychology and moral theory, as well as by considering cases.
PHIL 1273-003 Introduction to Business Ethics [IV-WC]
MWF 9:00-9:50, Dale Hall 125
Noah Jones
This course is an introduction to thinking about moral issues as they relate to commerce. Ethical questions have been a central focus of philosophers since philosophy began, because morality is at the heart of the way we humans experience the world. Likewise, the exchange of goods is an unavoidable feature of human life in any society. The intersection of these two aspects of our experience has always generated complex and important questions about the "right" way for the exchange of goods to take place--from Enron to Gamestop. Everyone has given some thought to the moral and ethical issues at work in such cases, but many people don’t take time to pull together a coherent system or story out of their own moral beliefs and behavior, and apply it carefully to business situations. This course aims to give students the tools to think hard about morality in business and live in a way that fits with their own moral judgment.
PHIL 1273-004 Introduction to Business Ethics [IV-WC]
MWF 12:00-12:50, Online
Tyler Huismann
Moral considerations pervade our lives, and business situations are no exception. In this course, we will be concerned with the ethical content of commerce, from the morality of market institutions to the normative considerations involved in business-customer, employer-employee, and firm-shareholder relations. We will consider all of these issues from the standpoints of moral psychology and moral theory, as well as by considering cases.
PHIL 1273-005 Introduction to Business Ethics [IV-WC]
MWF 11:00-11:50, Gould Hall 150
Luke Tucker
We’re rich, and we owe our high standard of living predominantly to the activities and efforts of businesses and entrepreneurs. Despite this, many people consider the phrase “business ethics” to be an oxymoron. Countless villains in TV shows and movies are fictional businesspeople. People tend to assume that business majors are driven by greed (while pre-med majors are driven by compassion and love). Why does business have this a bad reputation, and how much of it is deserved?
Through a mix of classic and contemporary texts, this course explores philosophical issues related to the ethical dimension of business. No prior knowledge of philosophy is assumed. We will look at some possible answers to the following questions:
PHIL 1273-010 Introduction to Business Ethics [IV-WC]
MWF 3:00-3:50, Dale Hall 200
Stephen Ellis
Moral considerations pervade our lives, and business situations are no exception. In this course, we will be concerned with the ethical content of commerce, from the morality of market institutions to the normative considerations involved in firm-shareholder, employer-employee, and firm-society relations. We will consider all of these issues from the standpoints of moral psychology and moral theory, as well as by considering cases.
PHIL 1273-995 Introduction to Business Ethics [IV-WC]
Online (Asynchronous)
Brandon Sutton
Moral considerations pervade our lives, and business situations are no exception. In this course, we will be concerned with the ethical content of commerce, from the morality of market institutions to the normative considerations involved in business-customer, employer-employee, and firm-shareholder relations. We will consider all of these issues from the standpoints of moral psychology and moral theory, as well as by considering cases.
PHIL 1273-996 Introduction to Business Ethics [IV-WC]
Online (Asynchronous)
Jonathan Casad
Moral decision-making pervades our lives, and business situations are no exception. The focus of this course is moral reasoning within the domain of business. We will examine the ethical content of commerce, from the morality of market institutions to the normative considerations involved in business-customer, employer-employee, and firm-shareholder relations. We will consider all of these issues from the standpoints of moral theories, as well as by considering particular cases.
PHIL 1273-997 Introduction to Business Ethics [IV-WC]
Online (Asynchronous)
Marlon Rivas Tinoco
Moral considerations pervade our lives, and business situations are no exception. In this course, we will be concerned with the ethical content of commerce, from the morality of market institutions to the normative considerations involved in business-customer, employer-employee, and firm-shareholder relations. We will consider all of these issues from the standpoints of moral psychology and moral theory, as well as by considering cases.
PHIL 3023-001 Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art [IV-WC]
TR 12:00-1:15, Dale Hall Tower 607
Sherri Irvin
Prerequisite: six hours of Philosophy or junior standing. Examines historical and contemporary views about the nature, value, social role and interpretation of artworks in a variety of artistic media. The appreciation of nature and of everyday experience is also discussed.
PHIL 3263-001 Virtue Ethics [IV-WC]
MWF 12:00-12:50, Dale Hall Tower 607
Adam Green
Prerequisite: junior standing or six hours of Philosophy. An overview of the history of virtue ethics from the ancient Greeks to the present day, covering the historical zenith of virtue ethics through the Middle Ages, the fall of virtue concepts in the early modern period, and the rebirth of virtue ethics in the later 20th century. Discusses a number of executive, moral, intellectual, and civic virtues and their related vices, and addresses some of the fundamental philosophical questions that arise in the study of virtue ethics.
PHIL 3273-001 Ethics and Business [IV-WC]
MW 5:00-6:20, Online
Edward Sankowski
Prerequisite: Six hours of philosophy or junior standing. A study of how ethics illuminates business activities. Topics include: the philosophical bases of capitalism; the legitimacy of the profit motive; virtue and the marketplace; corporate responsibility; government regulation; the marketplace and the environment; the ethics of advertising; employee privacy; and the challenges posed by the developing information age.
PHIL 3273 Ethics and Business [IV-WC]
MWF 10:00-10:50, Michael F. Price Hall 3065
Stephen Ellis
Prerequisite: Six hours of philosophy or junior standing. A study of how ethics illuminates business activities. Topics include: the philosophical bases of capitalism; the legitimacy of the profit motive; virtue and the marketplace; corporate responsibility; government regulation; the marketplace and the environment; the ethics of advertising; employee privacy; and the challenges posed by the developing information age.
PHIL 3293-001 Environmental Ethics [IV-WC]
TR 10:30-11:45, Zarrow Hall 120
Brian Burkhart
Prerequisite: junior standing or permission of instructor. Surveys the field of environmental ethics. Various principles philosophers use to assign value to the natural world and assign obligations toward nature to human beings are examined by students in order to articulate and defend their own reasoned points of view on environmental questions.
PHIL 3333-001 History of Modern Philosophy [IV-WC]
MWF 1:00-1:50, Dale Hall Tower 607
Olivia L. Branscum
A survey of modern European philosophy with concentration on selected readings from the Renaissance through Kant.
PHIL 3433 Modern Philosophy of Religion [IV-WC]
TR 9:00-10:15, Zarrow Hall 105
Neal Judisch
Prerequisite: six hours of philosophy or junior standing. Covers the history of modern religious philosophy in the West from the 17th to the mid-20th centuries. Major figures studied include Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz, Locke, Hume, Kant, Kierkkegaard, Nietzsche, Clifford, James, Freud, and Wittgenstein.
PHIL 3503-001 Self and Identity [IV-WC]
TR 1:30-2:45, Physical Sciences Center 117
Neal Judisch
Prerequisite: 1013 or permission of instructor. Introduction to a number of philosophical topics about the self including personal identity, immortality, unity of self-consciousness, self-knowledge, and nature of self.
PHIL 3763-001 Law and Society [IV-WC]
TR 12:00-1:15, Dale Hall 105
Gregory Heiser
Prerequisite: six hours of philosophy or junior standing. An introduction to the history and structure of the main controversies in modern law, with special attention to the United States legal system. Covered topics include natural law, legal realism, the law and economics movement, theories of responsibility and liability, feminist legal theory, and theories of text interpretation.
PHIL 3811-001 Philosophy Writing Workshop
MW 10:00-10:50, Dale Hall Tower 607
Melle van Duijn
Prerequisite: co-requisite with 3813, 3833 or 3853. Intensive instruction on how to write papers in philosophy. Students will use the workshop to help them write the term paper for a designated target class, in which they must be concurrently enrolled.
PHIL 3833-001 History of Modern Philosophy for Majors
MWF 1:00-1:50, Dale Hall Tower 607
Olivia L. Branscum
Prerequisite: six hours of philosophy and Philosophy or Ethics and Religion major. A survey of modern European philosophy with concentration on selected readings from the Renaissance through Kant. For majors in Philosophy or Ethics and Religion. No student may earn credit for both 3333 and 3833.
PHIL 3900-001 The Peloponnesian War
MWF 11:00-11:50, Dale Hall Tower 607
Rusty Jones
PHIL 4293-001 Ethical Theory
T 3:00-6:00, Online
Edward Sankowski
(Slashlisted with 5293) Prerequisite: eight hours of philosophy including an ethics course or permission. A survey of theories of the nature and foundations of morality. Topics may include the analysis of moral language, the justification of moral beliefs, and the status of ethical theories. No student may earn credit for both 4293 and 5293.
PHIL 4543-001 Philosophy of Mind
TR 6:00-7:20, Dale Hall Tower 607
Yujin Nagasawa
(Slashlisted with PHIL 5543) Prerequisite: eight hours of philosophy or permission. Survey of major philosophical views on the nature of the mind. Topics covered may include: the nature and unity of consciousness, the mind-body problem, personal identity, the emotions, actions and intentions, self-knowledge, and other minds. No student may earn credit for both 4543 and 5543.
PHIL 4893 Senior Capstone in Philosophy
TR 10:30-11:45, Dale Hall Tower 607
Martin Montminy
Prerequisite: graduating majors. Covering the major areas of philosophy taught in the undergraduate major, coordinated with the departmental objectives for undergraduate majors and for the purpose of assessing the level of learning among graduating seniors.
PHIL 5293-001 Ethical Theory
T 3:00-6:00, Online
Edward Sankowski
(Slashlisted with 4293) Prerequisite: graduate standing. A survey of theories of the nature and foundations of morality. Topics may include the analysis of moral language, the justification of moral beliefs, and the status of ethical theories. No student may earn credit for both 4293 and 5293.
PHIL 5313-001 Aristotle
TR 1:30-2:45, Online
Tyler Huismann
Prerequisite: 3313. May be repeated with change of content; maximum credit 18 hours. Survey of philosophical writings of a major ancient Greek philosopher, typically Plato and Aristotle. Works covering different philosophical topics and written at different stages in the philosopher's development will be studied. Selection of figure will alternate each year the course is offered.
PHIL 5543 Philosophy of Mind
TR 6:00-7:20, Dale Hall Tower 607
Yujin Nagasawa
(Slashlisted with PHIL 4543) Prerequisite: graduate standing. Survey of major philosophical views on the nature of the mind. Topics covered may include the nature and unity of consciousness, the mind-body problem, personal identity, the emotions, actions and intentions, self-knowledge, and other minds. No student may earn credit for both 4543 and 5543.
PHIL 5813-001 Proseminar
R 3:00-5:50, Dale Hall Tower 607
Wayne Riggs
Prerequisite: Graduate standing and Majors only. The Philosophy Proseminar is designed to: (i) help philosophy graduate students develop the skills needed to succeed at their academic work in the graduate program; (ii) prepare them to make good progress through their respective programs, either the MA or the PhD; and (iii) prepare them for success after graduation.
PHIL 6023-001 Living Together Aesthetically
W 4:00-7:00, Dale Hall Tower 607
Sherri Irvin
The aesthetic plays a complex role in social relationships, communities, and hierarchies. The aesthetic has a dark side, manifested in aesthetic forms of harm, conflict, disregard, and injustice, as well as a bright side, manifested in distinctively aesthetic forms of virtue, community building, and resistance to injustice. In this seminar we’ll look at both. Along the way, we’ll ask:
PHIL 6523-001 Seminar in Epistemology
M 4:00-7:00, Dale Hall Tower 607
Adam Green
Prerequisite: 5523 or permission. May be repeated with change of content; maximum credit 12 hours. Intensive seminar on a topic in epistemology.