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Print Guidelines and Publication Policy

Publication Policy

The University of Oklahoma seeks to ensure that all publications an items representing the university convey a consistent and accurate message and image. To accomplish this, all purchased publications, advertisements and goods representing a college, school, department, administrative area or program of the university must be reviewed and approved by OU Marketing and Communications or other designated publications office.

Work with your Marketing and Communications Account Executive for project and approval.

Marketing and Communications

Whitehand Hall
339 W. Boyd St.
Norman, OK 73019
(405) 325-1701

Publications to be reviewed are:

  1. Newsletters and magazines, especially those for external distribution to alumni, prospective students and general audiences. Scholarly journals are exempt.
  2. Academic bulletins and departmental brochures.
  3. Recruitment materials for students and faculty.
  4. Conference brochures and programs.
  5. Covers, folders and invitations for special events.
  6. Posters.

Deadlines for Publications Review:

Please allow five working days for small projects such as invitations, fliers and posters. For larger projects, such as catalogs, magazines and newsletters, please allow at least 10 working days.


Printing times vary based on the size of the publication.  Check with your printer before you begin.  

Before submitting externally disseminated publications representing the university, review this checklist to ensure appropriate information is included and reviewed as necessary.

Equal Opportunity Statement
Cost Statement
Accommodations Statement
Month or season and year of printing
ZIP+4 codes in mailing address
Well-written text
Addition of "For further information, contact ___"
Listing of key university officials
University Overview Statement
No typographical/spelling/factual errors
Ensure all web links are active and correct
Legible fonts
Correct, up-to-date university or department logo
Prominent display of "The University of Oklahoma"
Official OU colors and fonts
All text in the body is 100% black
Correct mailer designs  
Call to action
xls Publications Checklist (Excel file)
Download the checklist here.
  • The words "The University of Oklahoma" should always be prominently displayed on the cover of any printed piece. The name of the academic unit can be the same size or smaller, but never larger than "The University of Oklahoma." The full name of the university, not simply the sponsoring unit, should receive prominent attention on the cover, even if the piece is published to promote a special event.
  • The name of the institution is "The University of Oklahoma." Please do not use the designation Oklahoma University. The initials OU (without periods) may be used on second reference.
  • All special logos for colleges, departments and related programs and projects must be approved by the appropriate publications office. Special logos should not be used on university letterhead and, when used on other publications, should be secondary to the OU logo.
  • The university seal is primarily used for official purposes, as in the publications of the institution, its certificates, diplomas and legal documents and printed materials in conjunction with official functions of the university. The OU seal may be used by the university and/or for commercial uses, provided appropriate authorization is granted from OU’s Licensing Department under the guidelines that its use thereof is not disparaging, does not constitute false representation as to sponsorship, affiliation or conventions and public morals and decency, and does not reflect unfavorably on the university.
  • Most publications should include an overview paragraph about the university. In some cases, the mission statement is appropriate. The following paragraph is appropriate for most publications:

The Overview Statement

Created by the Oklahoma Territorial Legislature in 1890, the University of Oklahoma is a doctoral degree-granting research university serving the educational, cultural, economic and health care needs of the state, region and nation. The Norman campus serves as home to all of the university’s academic programs except health-related fields. The OU Health Sciences Center, which is located in Oklahoma City, is one of only three comprehensive academic health centers in the nation with seven professional colleges. Both the Norman and Health Sciences Center campuses offer programs at the Schusterman Center, the site of OU-Tulsa. OU enrolls more than 31,000 students, has more than 2,500 full-time faculty members, and has 21 colleges offering 174 majors at the baccalaureate level, 191 majors at the master’s level, 86 majors at the doctoral level, 8 majors at the doctoral professional level, 9 undergraduate certificates, and 72 graduate certificates. The university’s total annual operating budget is $2.32 billion. The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution.

  • Neatness and quality of typography and photography are important. Low-quality computer typesetting and instant photographs generally are unacceptable.
  • The official colors of the university are crimson and cream. The specification for the crimson ink is PMS 201 red, for cream PMS 468. White stock may be substituted for cream to reduce costs.
  • The purpose of the publication and audiences for whom it is intended should be clear.
  • All publications are expected to use accurate, standardized information on enrollment, research funding, number of faculty, number of buildings, acreage, finances, etc., available from Marketing and Communications at 325-1701.
  • The publication should leave readers with a positive impact and the impression that warm and friendly people stand ready to serve their needs at the university.
  • Printed material should be attractive and well designed. The copy should convey information accurately, concisely, clearly and in a style that invites readership and avoids jargon.
  • The publication should include instructions about how readers can obtain additional information.
  • The Equal Opportunity Statement in its full or abbreviated form should appear on all university publications as required by the OU Board of Regents.

The policy follows:

The University of Oklahoma, in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, age, religion, disability, political beliefs, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices, or procedures. This includes, but is not limited to: admissions, employment, financial aid, housing, services in educational programs or activities, or health care services that the university operates or provides.

To file a grievance related to the non-discrimination policy, report sexual misconduct, and/or file a formal complaint of sexual misconduct, please utilize the reporting form at

Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies may be directed to the Office(s) of Institutional Equity as may be applicable – Norman campus: (405) 325-3546/3549, Health Sciences Center: (405) 271-2110, or OU-Tulsa Title IX Office: (918) 660-3107. Additionally, individuals may visit

In publications with limited copy areas – e.g., pamphlet-type brochures, fliers, posters – the following statement may be substituted:

The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution.

  • This line should appear in ALL publications/stories that promote campus events/programs:
    • Accommodations on the basis of disability are available by contacting (phone number; name and address desirable) by (date, or as soon as possible).
  • Certain publications require a Cost Disclosure Statement. As authorized by Senate Joint Resolution No. 20, a cost disclosure statement containing the following information should be included on reports and regulations in book or booklet format that are published for members of the public.
    • Name of the issuing agency or department.
    • Authorization for publication; the name of the person(s) so authorizing.
    • The cost of the publication, including salaries/wages of employees for all the time spent on the compilation and preparation of material contained in the publication.
    • Number of copies printed.
    • Name of the printer.

Sample: This publication, printed by _____, is issued by the University of Oklahoma. ____ copies have been prepared and distributed at a cost of $____ to the taxpayers of the State of Oklahoma (or at no cost to the taxpayers of the State of Oklahoma).

  • Each university building has its own ZIP plus 4 code, which should be used everywhere a ZIP code is printed.
  • Each publication should indicate the month or season and year of printing. Generally, this will be on the cover, inside cover or back page of publications and printed materials.
  • Major university publications, including annual reports, catalogs and academic bulletins, should include a listing of key university officers.
    • In major universitywide publications, this list will include:
      • The OU Board of Regents
      • The president and executive officers
      • Norman campus and HSC deans
    • In major campus-specific publications, the list should include:
      • For HSC publications:
        • The OU Board of Regents
        • The president and executive officers
        • HSC deans
      • For Norman campus publications:
        • The OU Board of Regents
        • The president and executive officers
        • Norman campus deans
      • College-specific publications, except pamphlets, posters and similar small publications, generally should include the OU Board of Regents, president, executive officers and appropriate college administrators.

Never forget: The mission of the University of Oklahoma is to provide the best possible educational experience for our students through excellence in teaching, research and creative activity, and service to the state and society.

For any printed or published material, please include the following Accommodations Statement. 

For accommodations, please contact (Department Name) at (405) 325-XXXX.

Oklahoma law requires these statements on certain publications.

Cost Disclosure Statement

Certain publications require a Cost Disclosure Statement. As authorized by Senate Joint Resolution No. 20, a cost disclosure statement containing the following information should be included on reports and regulations in book or booklet format that are published for members of the public.

  1. Name of the issuing agency or department.
  2. Authorization for publication; the name of the person(s) so authorizing.
  3. The cost of the publication, including salaries/wages of employees for all the time spent on the compilation and preparation of material contained in the publication.
  4. Number of copies printed.
  5. Name of the printer.

Sample: This publication, printed by _____, is issued by the University of Oklahoma. ____ copies have been prepared and distributed at a cost of $____ to the taxpayers of the State of Oklahoma (or at no cost to the taxpayers of the State of Oklahoma).

Equal Opportunity Statement

The Equal Opportunity Statement in its full or abbreviated form should appear on all university publications as required by the OU Board of Regents. The policy follows:

The University of Oklahoma, in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, age, religion, disability, political beliefs, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices, or procedures. This includes, but is not limited to: admissions, employment, financial aid, housing, services in educational programs or activities, or health care services that the university operates or provides.

To file a grievance related to the non-discrimination policy, report sexual misconduct, and/or file a formal complaint of sexual misconduct, please utilize the reporting form at

Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies may be directed to the Office(s) of Institutional Equity as may be applicable – Norman campus: (405) 325-3546/3549, Health Sciences Center: (405) 271-2110, or OU-Tulsa Title IX Office: (918) 660-3107. Additionally, individuals may visit

In publications with limited copy areas – e.g., pamphlet-type brochures, fliers, posters – the following statement may be substituted:

The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution.

  • Neatness and quality of typography and photography are important. Low-quality computer typesetting and instant photographs generally are unacceptable.
  • The official colors of the university are crimson and cream. The specification for the crimson ink is PMS 201 red, for cream PMS 468. White stock may be substituted for cream to reduce costs.
  • The purpose of the publication and audiences for whom it is intended should be clear.
  • All publications are expected to use accurate, standardized information on enrollment, research funding, number of faculty, number of buildings, acreage, finances, etc., available from Marketing and Communications at 325-1701.
  • The publication should leave readers with a positive impact and the impression that friendly and welcoming people stand ready to serve their needs at the university.
  • Printed material should be attractive and well designed. The copy should convey information accurately, concisely, clearly and in a style that invites readership and avoids jargon.
  • The publication should include instructions about how readers can obtain additional information.
  • Each university building has its own ZIP plus 4 code, which should be used everywhere a ZIP code is printed.
  • Each publication should indicate the month or season and year of printing. Generally, this will be on the cover, inside cover or back page of publications and printed materials.
  • Major university publications, including annual reports, catalogs and academic bulletins, should include a listing of key university officers.
    • In major universitywide publications, this list will include:
      • The OU Board of Regents
      • The president and executive officers
      • Norman campus and HSC deans
    • In major campus-specific publications, the list should include:
      • For HSC publications:
        • The OU Board of Regents
        • The president and executive officers
        • HSC deans
      • For Norman campus publications:
        • The OU Board of Regents
        • The president and executive officers
        • Norman campus deans
    • College-specific publications, except pamphlets, posters and similar small publications, generally should include the OU Board of Regents, president, executive officers and appropriate college administrators.

Be a Good Steward of the University’s Resources

Are you charged with designing publications for your area of the university? By knowing and complying with the latest changes in U.S. Postal Service regulations on all your mail-outs – invitations, postcards, newsletters or magazines, or other publications – you can save your unit and/or the university money – sometimes a significant amount. Below are just some of the ways you can lower your distribution costs. For other tips that may save you money and time, visit OU Central Mail’s Web site:

  • If you’re sending out 200 or more pieces of mail, send it out as nonprofit rather than first class. University Printing has the software necessary to automate (barcode and sort) your mail for you. This can save you a lot of money. Recently, an OU department discovered it could save approximately $50,000 a year mailing out its bi-monthly newsletter at the nonprofit rate instead of first class.
  • Strive for all-machinable mail. Machinable means that it can be read and sorted electronically, as opposed to by hand. Machinable mail follows postal guidelines that delineate spaces for barcodes, OCR read areas (OCR refers to the process by which scanned text is electronically “read.”)
  • To ensure your postcards, booklets, fliers and other self-mailers (mail not enclosed in an envelope) are sent at the nonprofit rate, make sure to leave sufficient room at the bottom for the barcode (4 inches in length, ¼-inch in height). Also, make sure that the return address is at the upper, left-hand side of the piece to prevent the electronic reader from mailing the piece there instead of to the delivery address.
  • If you will be using a tab to close a folded piece that will be mailed, make sure the tab is placed on the top or on the left. If you mail a publication that is open at the bottom, it is considered non-machinable and is much more costly. (The nonprofit rate will increase about 28 cents per piece, first class about 17 cents.)
  • Do not use red envelopes because the postage meter ink is also red, which makes the meter mark invisible to the reader.
  • Don’t design under- or oversized postcards. The standard, and preferable size, for a postcard to be mailed at a nonprofit rate is 4-by-5.5 inches. As with other mail, follow postal regulations on barcode space at the bottom.
  • Always use +4 ZIP codes with university addresses (available off Central Mail Services’ Helpful Hints Web site).

These recommendations can help you be a good steward of the university's resources. By knowing and complying with the latest changes in U.S. Postal Service regulations on all your mail-outs – invitations, postcards, newsletters or magazines, or other publications – you can save your unit and/or the university money – sometimes a significant amount. Below are just some of the ways you can lower your distribution costs. For other tips that may save you money and time, visit OU Central Mail’s website.

  • If you’re sending out 200 or more pieces of mail, send it out as nonprofit rather than first class. University Printing has the software necessary to automate (barcode and sort) your mail for you. This can save you a lot of money. Recently, an OU department discovered it could save approximately $50,000 a year mailing out its bi-monthly newsletter at the nonprofit rate instead of first class.
  • Strive for all-machinable mail. Machinable means that it can be read and sorted electronically, as opposed to by hand. Machinable mail follows postal guidelines that delineate spaces for barcodes, OCR read areas (OCR refers to the process by which scanned text is electronically “read.”)
  • To ensure your postcards, booklets, fliers and other self-mailers (mail not enclosed in an envelope) are sent at the nonprofit rate, make sure to leave sufficient room at the bottom for the barcode (4 inches in length, ¼-inch in height). Also, make sure that the return address is at the upper, left-hand side of the piece to prevent the electronic reader from mailing the piece there instead of to the delivery address.
  • If you will be using a tab to close a folded piece that will be mailed, make sure the tab is placed on the top or on the left. If you mail a publication that is open at the bottom, it is considered non-machinable and is much more costly. Non-machinable mail has a 21-cent surcharge per piece. (The nonprofit rate would increase from an average of 19 cents per piece to 40 cents, and first class would increase 21 cents on top of the actual postage.)
  • Do not use red envelopes because the postage meter ink is also red, which makes the meter mark invisible to the reader.
  • Don’t design under- or oversized postcards. The standard, and preferable size, for a postcard to be mailed at a nonprofit rate is 4-by-5.5 inches. As with other mail, follow postal regulations on barcode space at the bottom.
  • Always use +4 ZIP codes with university addresses (available from the OU Central Mail Services website).