David Ross Boyd Professor
Morris Pitman Professor
Email: raman@ou.edu
Office: Carson Engineering Center 124
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Ph.D. Industrial Engineering
Pennsylvania State University
M.S. Mechanical Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington
B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Shivaji University
Shivakumar Raman has taught and researched in the areas of manufacturing processes and systems for 35 years at OU. As a Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI, he has received funding from many external agencies, through 47 external grants, totaling $22 Million. He has received 14 separate grants from the National Science Foundation and 17 other federal grants. His NSF, NASA, US Air Force, and NIST grants have focused on manufacturing process optimization, machining tribological interface modeling, and product/process metrology. He was the Project Director of the Economic Development Generating Excellence grant from the State of Oklahoma that investigated Shape Engineering for Advanced Manufacturing, focusing on the use of advanced sensors and measuring instruments for metrology and reverse engineering of aircraft parts and 3-D digital manufacturing. This project also led to the creation of a start-up company that employed several engineers and professionals. His papers most frequently appear in journals that include Wear, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, and Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering.