Professor, John and Mary Moore Chair
Office: Carson Engineering Center 124
Google Scholar
PhD University of California at Berkeley
S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Janet co-directs the Systems Realization Laboratory @ OU (SRL@OU) with her husband, Professor Farrokh Mistree, who holds the L.A. Comp Chair in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. The SRL@OU is a multicultural, multidisciplinary academic family focused on educating the next generation of professors. They provide an opportunity for every member to learn how to dream, rise to his/her full potential and contribute to the scholarship associated with the realization of complex engineered systems. Mistree and Allen hypothesize that ALL grand challenges can be modeled as Cyber-Physical-Social (CPS) systems. Hence, their interest in evolving CPS. They seek to model evolving CPS systems as multi-echelon networks of services thereby ensuring the computational platform to be used to design and manage an evolving CPS is agnostic to domains of application. The Allen-Mistree education focus is on creating and implementing courses aimed at educating strategic engineers—those who have developed the competencies to create value in digitally transforming enterprises through the realization of complex engineered systems.
Platformization: Knowledge-based platform for decision support in the design of engineered systems
Disruptive innovation in an evolving cyber-physical-social space