Students earning a bachelor's of science degree in the areas listed below are eligible to apply. Additional majors will be considered on a case-by-case basis. To apply, visit the Williams Student Services Center in Felgar Hall, Room 112.
Environmental Science Minor

Architecture | Geology |
Astronomy | Geophysics |
Astropohysics | Geosciences |
Biochemistry | Health & Exercise Sciences |
Botany | Mathematics |
Chemistry | Meteorology |
Construction Science | Microbiology |
Education (Mathematics & Science) | Physics |
Engineering (excluding Environmental Engineering) | Psychology |
Geography | Zoology |
The following pre-requisites must be completed prior to application:
- Math 1823/1914 and MATH 2423/2924
- CHEM 1315 and CHEM 1415
- BIOL 1134 or PBIO 1114
- PHYS 2514 or PHYS 2414
Sixteen hours are required to complete the minor, including:
- CEES 2313 Water Quality Fundamentals (Fall only)
- CEES 2323 Environmental Transport and Fate Processes (Spring only)
- CEES 4263G Hazardous and Solid Waste Management (Fall only)
- CEES 4114/5114 Aquatic Chemistry or CEES 4324/5324 Environmental Biology and Ecology (Fall only)
Plus, one course from the following list:
- CEES 4243 Water Technologies for Emerging Regions (Spring only)
- ENGR 4513 Intro. to Sustainable Engineering (Spring only)
- CEES 4000 or 5000-level course with permission from advisor