Lesson 10
WebStudy Distance
Learning on the World Wide Web
Internet Navigator...
A Simplified Guide to Netscape GOLD
Paragraph Styles
Netscape Paragraph
Styles affect "whole paragraphs". That is...,
the Style you select is "uniformly
applied" to everything included in the paragraph you have selected.
There a numerous possible combinations..., here are a few of the useful
Here is an example of Unordered List...,
with Round Bullets for the List (below)
- List example one
- List example two
- List example three
To create a Bullet List...,
Highlight (if existing) the "text" you wish to be in the
Bullet List
![Editor Highlight Text to Create a List](Highlight_Text.gif)
With the Text Highlighted...,
From the Netscape Editor Toolbar...,
![Editor Toolbar Bullet List Icon](Bullet_List_Icon.gif)
The Bullet List will be created...,
- List example one
- List example two
- List example three
Here is an Example of a "cascading" Bullets
Create a Cascading Bullet List...,
Highlight "one of the existing" Bullets...,
then "click-on" the Increase (or Decrease) Indent Icons.
![Editor Toolbar Increase Indent](Cascade_Bullets_Example.gif)
You can highlight and "change" the Indent to suit your purposes!
From the Netscape Editor, Paragraph Properties
The Example (below) had each line of Text highlighted individually,
... and the "Selected" Paragraph Style
(below) applied...,
![Netscape Editor Toolbar Paragraph Styles Headings](Editor_Toolbar_Styles.gif)
Paragraph Heading Styles (Normal)
Paragraph Heading Styles (Heading 1)
Paragraph Heading Styles (Heading 2)
Paragraph Heading Styles (Heading 3)
Paragraph Heading Styles (Heading 4)
Various combinations of Paragraph Styles and Font
Sizes can be used create interesting Web Pages
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(C) 1996, Dennis Paul Fehler All rights reserved.