Lesson 1 WebStudy  Distance Learning on the World Wide Web

Internet Navigator...  A Simplified Guide to Netscape Communicator

General Preferences

It is important to realize "very early" in you Browser experience..., there are several "better ways" of setting your Browser Viewer. It is tempting to start fooling with the controls!

It is best if you DON'T adjust the following Options!

Browser Color Preference

From the Netscape Toolbar..., Select Edit, then "click on" Preferences.

Then..., Select Colors.

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We have set your Browser colors this way...
These are the default settings for these WebStudy Web Pages.

Please Notice: The Box at the bottom "Always use my colors, overriding document" should not be checked. If you do..., you will miss all the "choices" made by other Web Page Designers. You will always see..., every page in the "same colors" set for "your" Browser.

Later..., when you are designing your own Web Pages these settings can be adjusted to suit your tastes!

Also... if you "click on" any of the Color boxes (previous image above)

This (typical) color selection menu appears.

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If these Colors aren't enough..., "click on" Define Custom Colors

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Netscape will allow you to create any new colors you want!

Remember..., These controls are of limited value to you. We recommend you leave them alone!

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All contents copyright (C) 1996, Dennis Paul Fehler All rights reserved.