Soil Characteristics
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A detailed description of (some of) the possible soil value
added maps.
Maps are coded according to the (previous page) Soil
Attribute Table.
The color code green indicates areas that are "generally
suitable" for: (for example) septic tank fields, yellow areas
are "probably suitable" for septic fields, but may "cost more" to overcome
existing soil limitations, and red areas are "unsuitable" for (septic tank
absorption fields).
Septic Tank Fields
Potential restrictions for locating a septic tank absorption field.
(Green areas used in example)
Green = YES, I can locate a septic field here.
Yellow = probably NO, I shouldn't locate
a septic field (there are some unfavorable limitations.)
Red = NO, I should not locate a septic field
here because there are many unfavorable limitations.
Wetness Hazard
Estimates the time free water will remain in soil after saturation
has been reached.
No color = No problem with wetness.
Green = Generally, no particular wetness problem.
Yellow = A slight wetness problem.
Red = There is a severe problem with wetness.
Flood Potential
The risk of (probable annual) flooding as a result of stream overflow.
Flood Risk:
No color = No flood risk.
Slight = Some slight risk. (not on this map)
Red = A very high risk of (annual) flooding.
Depth to Watertable
Depth to Watertable or the depth at which there is (seasonal high)
subsurface water.
The depth ranges are:
No Color = Greater than 5 feet to water.
Blue = 3 to 5 feet to water.
Dark Blue = Less than 3 feet to water.
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All contents copyright (C)
1993-1999, D. Fehler All
rights reserved.