Introduction Adding a QuickTime Video Making a Video Automatically Play Adding a QuickTime VR Video


HyperStudio has the ability to add video and Virtual Reality (VR) clips to stacks. The video format used in this tutorial is "QuickTime" - a cross platform video/sound format that is rapidly becoming a standard for video and (VR) on the web. Adding video can dramatically improve your stacks by adding real images and sounds. If you know how to digitize video, then you can even add video that you have shot yourself!

Note: The newer version of HyperStudio (4) also works with the popular Windows "AVI" video file format.


Launch the HyperStudio program and select the "New Stack" button.

We're going to start with a fresh stack for this exercise. Select "Save As" from the "File" menu. Name your stack "Video" and click "Save". You will now be looking at a fresh new card that begs for something to be done to it.

To add video you have to create a button. Choose "Add a Button" from the "Objects" menu. Name the button "Heat Video" and select the rectangular/shadow button type. Click "OK".


You will now have to position the button. Move the button to the bottom center of the card. Click your mouse outside to the button to fix its position.

You will now be looking at the button actions dialogue. Choose "Play a Movie or Video" from the "Things to do" choices. Make sure that "Disk File" is chosen and click OK.


You should now see the contents of the "QuickTime Movies" directory (in HyperStudio 4 you will have to open up the Movies directory within the Media Library directory). Choose "Heat Movie".. Click "Open". Click "OK".


You will now have to position the movie. Move the movie frame to the center of the card. Click outside of the frame to fix the position. You will now be looking at the movie dialogue. Check "Show first Frame' and then click "OK". Click "Done" at the button actions dialogue.


Your screen should look like this:


Select the Browser tool from the "Tools" menu and try your button. The video plays and if your sound is on, you can hear the hot Latin music. Add a "Next" button to card 1. You already know how to do this.


You are going to add another movie, but this one will automatically play when you open the card. Create a new card. Add "Next" and "Previous" navigation buttons. You can choose what ever icon or button style you like.

Now you will Add a movie as you did in the first portion of this tutorial except for a few differences.

Choose "Add a Button" from the "Objects" menu. Choose the invisible button type and un-check "Highlight". Click "OK".


Since this button is invisible, it doesn't matter where you position the button. Click your mouse outside to the button to fix its position.

You will now be looking at the button actions dialogue. Choose "Play a Movie or Video" from the "Things to do" choices. Make sure that "Disk File" is chosen and click OK.

You should now see the contents of the "QuickTime Movies" directory (in HyperStudio 4 you will have to open up the Movies directory within the Media Library directory). Choose "Saturn Movie". (If your version of HyperStudio does not have the Saturn Movie file, you may use use any other movie file of your choice or use the Saturn.mov file which is in the Quick Time Movies folder on Socrates). Click "Open". Click "OK".

You will now have to position the movie. Move the movie frame to the center of the card. Click outside of the frame to fix the position. You will now be looking at the movie dialogue. Click "OK".

You will now be looking at the button actions dialogue again. Select Automatic timer from the "Things to do" choices. The automatic timer dialogue appears.


Choose the topmost option and click "OK". Click done.

Your card should look like this:


Now it's time to try the button. Select the browser tool from the "Tools" menu and click your "Previous" button. You will now be on your first card. Click your "Next" button. The movie will start automatically.


Create a new card. Add a "Previous" navigation button. You can choose what ever icon or button style you like.

You add QuickTime VR movies in almost exactly the same way as you add other movies.

Choose "Add a Button" from the "Objects" menu. Choose the invisible button type and un-check "Highlight". Click "OK".

Since this button is invisible, it doesn't matter where you position the button. Click your mouse outside of the button to fix its position. You will now be looking at the button actions dialogue. Choose "Play a Movie or Video" from the "Things to do" choices. Make sure that "Disk File" is chosen and click OK.

You should now see the contents of the "QuickTime Movies" directory (in HyperStudio 4 the sample movies are in the Movies directory within the Media Library directory). Choose "Pigeon Point Lighthouse" Click "Open". Click "OK".

You will now have to position the movie. Move the movie frame to the center of the card. Click outside of the frame to fix the position. You will now be looking at the movie dialogue. Check "Show First Frame". Click "OK". Click "Done".

QuickTime VR works a little differently than other types of movies. It's static in that it doesn't play like a video, but you can move around within the frame to a certain degree.

Add the following text (using the text tool) to the space below the movie:

"To see the area around the lighthouse, click and drag your mouse within the picture".

Your card should look like this:


Choose the Browser tool from the "Tools" menu and try your QT VR movie. Click and drag around inside the frame for a 360 degree view of the area around the light house. Save your work.

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