Amy Barnett
CBN Ph.D.Advisor:
Michael WengerE-mail:
amy.barnett at ou dot eduResearch Interests:
Brain and systemic iron in relation to cognition

Madison (Beneda-Bender) Johnston
CBN Ph.D.Advisor:
Eugenia Fuenzalida & Andrea VincentE-mail:
madsbens at ou dot eduResearch Interests:
Neurological and psychosocial mechanisms related to resiliency, fear management, and performance in safety sensitive occupations

Bianca Alvarenga Rambo Galletti
CBN Ph.D.Advisor:
Rebecca LarsonE-mail:
biancagalletti at ou dot eduResearch Interests:
Neurobiology of behavior and formation of healthy habits, especially as it relates to exercise and obesity

Donglin (Donny) Han
CBN Ph.D.Advisor:
Ashlee Rowe/Michael MarkhamE-mail:
dhan2 at ou dot eduResearch Interests:
Neurophysiology, ion channels system and animal behavior

Sarah Newbolds
CBN Ph.D.Advisor:
Michael WengerE-mail:
sarah.newbolds at ou dot eduResearch Interests:
Understanding cognitive mechanisms, particularly visual perceptual learning, in relation to nutritional conditions such as iron deficiency and type 2 diabetes.

Jordan Norris
CBN Ph.D.Advisor:
Lauren EthridgeE-mail:
j.norris9785 at ou dot eduResearch Interests:
Understanding the contribution of functional network performance to intellectual disability and cognitive function in Fragile X Syndrome. Relatedly, I am interested in auditory processing, neurodevelopment, and computationally intensive EEG analysis methods.

Mehrnoush Nourbakhsh-Rey
CBN Ph.D.Advisor:
Michael MarkhamE-mail:
mrey at ou dot eduResearch Interests:
Understanding how animals manage the metabolic costs of active sensory and communication signals. Specifically, investigate central and peripheral mechanisms by which leptin regulates electric organ discharge properties, reducing the metabolic cost of electrical signaling, in weakly electric fish.

Peniel Simon
CBN Ph.D.Advisor:
Ari BerkowitzE-mail:
peniel.o.simon-1 at ou dot eduResearch Interests:
Regulation of central pattern generators