Current Research
The Center for Bioanalysis (CBA) was established at the University of Oklahoma (OU) in 2012. Under the direction of Prof. Shaorong Liu, CBA develops the cutting-edge protein and small molecule-oriented analytical methods and provides novel and conventional analysis platforms allowing for understanding and solving important issues in the biosciences. Bioanalysis plays a critical role in life science research. Advanced bioanalytical methods and tools have facilitated and accelerated the understanding of life processes, evolution of diseases, diagnosis of diseases, improvement of therapies, development of drugs, etc. In CBA, we invent and optimize novel methods toward analyzing biological samples at the tissue, single cell, and sub-cellular-organelle levels.
CBA develops the cutting-edge protein and small molecule-oriented analytical methods and provides novel and conventional analysis platforms allowing for understanding and solving important issues in the biosciences.
Both conventional and cutting-edge bioanalysis methods that CBA supports have numerous applications especially in cancer, bioenergy, and biotechnology research. Toward sustaining its mission, CBA has a strong interest in leading the training in the development and application of bioanalysis methods at all levels of education and in fostering the communication and collaboration among interested scientists from the region and across the globe. Students and postdoctoral researchers trained in CBA have developed their careers primarily in biotech and pharmaceutical companies.
Currently, CBA has Mass Spectrometry Facilities (with five mass spectrometers, UPLC-MS, GC-MS, etc.) for sensitive detection and accurate molecular identification, and Microfabrication Facilities (with photomask aligner, wetbench, spin-rinse drier, photoresist spin coater, profilometer, dicing saw, lapping machine, bonding oven, etc.) for micro- and nano-fluidic device fabrication. CBA also has laboratories for cell culture and processing, and instruments for conventional and high-throughput DNA, protein, and small molecule analysis. CBA members and affiliates are from both academia and industry within and around the State of Oklahoma, and their research projects are generally interdisciplinary in nature.