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Policies and Forms

Policies and Procedures

The Academic Forgiveness policy can be viewed in the Academic Records section of the OU General Catalog.

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Enrollment contract status within the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences   is a resource provided to students who hold a OU and/or Combined GPA below the required 2.00. This process includes a minimum of one scheduled appointment with an academic advisor per semester to discuss strategies for academic success and resources available throughout the semester. A college enrollment hold will be on a student's records until this required appointment is completed or the student regains the 2.00 or higher GPA.

To schedule an enrollment contract appointment, you can call the Academic Services office at (405) 325-4411.

Grade Appeals and Academic Appeals Boards

In each college of the University, there shall be established an Academic Appeals Board consisting of an equal number of students and faculty. Faculty members of the board will be chosen by the faculty of the college for a term determined by the faculty. Student members of the board will be appointed for a term of one year by the dean of the college upon recommendations from the Student President.

Each Academic Appeals Board will hear cases in which the issue to be resolved is that of prejudiced or capricious evaluation, or alleged inability to speak the English language to the extent necessary to adequately instruct students.

1. A Board will hear a case only after a student has notified an instructor of a dispute over an academic evaluation and after the student has made an unsuccessful attempt to resolve differences with the instructor, if necessary in consultation with the departmental chair. In cases of end-of-term evaluations, a student must notify an instructor of a dispute over an academic evaluation and must attempt to resolve differences no later than February 15 for the previous fall semester or winter intersession; and no later than September 15 in cases of end-of-term evaluations for the previous spring semester, spring intersession, or summer session. In cases of an evaluation made known to a student during the term, the student must notify an instructor of a dispute over academic evaluation and must attempt to resolve differences no later than 15 calendar days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and University holidays from classes) after the results of the evaluation are made known to the student. If a student fails to notify an instructor or fails to attempt resolution within the appropriate time limit, the Board shall deny any request for a hearing on the claim unless, in the view of the Board, the student has been prevented from complying with the appropriate time limit (as for example, in the case of a student being called into military service).

2. The filing of a written request for a hearing on a claim before the appropriate Academic Appeals Board shall be within 10 calendar days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and University holidays from classes) following the day when the attempts at resolution in paragraph (1) above are completed. The Board shall deny any request for a hearing on a claim that does not meet this deadline unless, in the view of the Board, exceptional circumstances exist whereby the student is prevented from filing the claim. Furthermore, if in the judgment of the Board, the case is deemed to be without merit or has already been satisfactorily resolved in the department, the Board may refuse the student a hearing.

3. To avoid a jurisdictional impasse, the appeal shall be heard by the Appeals Board in the undergraduate college in which both the course and the instructor are located. Any thesis and dissertation appeals shall be heard by the Graduate College Appeals Board.

4. It shall be the primary function of a board to mediate or adjudicate disputes that have not been satisfactorily resolved on the department level.

5. Each Board shall be given the responsibility of establishing its own rules of procedure. Such rules as it establishes must be consistent with the full protection of the rights of all parties involved.

6. Meetings of a board may be closed to the public.

7. Decisions of the Board shall be communicated in writing to the Board’s dean, the student’s dean, the student, and the instructor. The Board’s decisions shall be final and shall be implemented unless either the student or the instructor makes written appeal to the Executive Committee (or comparable body) of the degree-recommending college within 10 calendar days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, or University holidays from classes) after being notified of the Board’s decision. The decision of the Executive Committee (or comparable body) shall be final and shall be implemented unless either the student or the instructor makes written appeal to the faculty of the degree- recommending college within 10 calendar days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and University holidays from classes) after being notified of the Committee’s decision. In the case of an appeal to the faculty of the degree-recommending college, the faculty’s decision shall be final and shall be implemented. The faculty of a degree-recommending college, however, may delegate their authority to consider appeals under this policy to the Executive Committee (or equivalent body) of the degree-recommending college, in which case the decision of the Executive Committee shall be final and shall be implemented without appeal to the faculty.

8. Revisions to this policy shall be reviewed by the Faculty Senate and the Student Code Revision Committee. 

Forms and Petitions

Request to exceed your maximum amount of hours per semester.

Use to correct variable credit hours for a course you are/were enrolled in

Use to ADD a course after the published deadline for the CURRENT SEMESTER

Use to DROP a course after the published deadline for the CURRENT SEMESTER

Use this form to request substitute course work to meet the university general education and college-specific foreign language requirements. Substitutions are allowed only after a student has documented that s/he is an individual with a disability as defined under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and that the functional impact of the disability prevents the student from completing the degree requirements as specified in the General Catalog. This requires approval from the Disability Resource Center, following receipt of acceptable documentation of the student's disability.

Complete the Extension of an incomplete form if you are completing a grade of "I" after the year deadline has elapsed, and you have your instructor's permission to do so.


The Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences makes available a designated amount of academic travel funding each year for outstanding undergraduate and graduate students with a declared major in the college who are making satisfactory progress toward the completion of a college degree program.

Eligibility & Guidelines:

  • OU students who have formally declared a Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences major and are in good standing academically are eligible to apply.
  • Students may be awarded only one TAP per academic year.
  • TAP cannot be used to defray the cost of any study abroad program.
  • Availability of this funding is limited and is awarded on a first come, first served basis.
  • Undergraduate students may request up to $500 for academic travel.
  • Graduate students may request up to $750 for academic travel.
  • Students must be enrolled at OU in the term of the travel and are not graduating prior to the dates of travel. Summer enrollment is not required if student was enrolled in the previous Spring semester and the upcoming Fall semester.


  • Application must be submitted at least 30 days prior to planned travel.
  • Students must apply in the semester when the travel takes place. 
  • Fall semester travel (August - December) - application opens July 19, 2024; CLOSED. All Fall travel funding expended as of 9/20/2024.
  • Spring semester travel (January - May) - application opens December 2, 2024; closes when all funds are expended.  CLOSED. All Spring travel funding expended as of 2/21/2025.
  • Summer semester travel (June - July) - application opens May 1, 2025; closes when all funds are expended.

Application Procedures:

  • Complete the application – DFCAS Travel Assistance Program (TAP) Application
  • Decisions are made and communicated to students on a monthly basis.  You will receive an email regarding the decision on your application. 
  • This is the final step of the process. You do not need chair/director support letters, receipts, matching travel funds from another source, or to seek reimbursement through your department.

Important Additional Details:

  • Retroactive requests are not accepted.
  • Approved TAP applicants’ funds will be paid through Bursar accounts.  If you have a Bursar balance due at the time the TAP funds are disbursed to your Bursar account, these TAP funds will be applied to your balance first.  Funds that are remaining will be refunded via eRefund or paper check.
  • Payments will reach the student bursar accounts in approximately 2 weeks after they are approved.

Questions about the application process may be emailed to Alison Baker, 

A student who experiences an interruption due to unforeseen or extenuating circumstances and chooses to leave the institution, must officially withdraw from the University of Oklahoma through the Complete Withdrawal Process.