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Angela Harnden

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Angela Harnden


Project Director, Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP)
PhD, University of Oklahoma, 2005
Office:  308 Kaufman
Phone: (405) 325-1751
PCAP email:
PCAP phone: (405) 876-2095

Research Interests

Social Stratification, Family, Poverty and Culture, Educational Program Evaluation, Disabilities Studies 


Angela earned her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Oklahoma in 2005. After 25 years of experience at the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (9 yrs) and the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (16 yrs) where she managed a national database and served as a researcher and program evaluator for various state and federal grants and projects, she is excited to be back in her home-town at the Norman campus at OU. She will continue her applied sociological work and research as the Project Director for the Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP). The PCAP is a well-established, evidence-informed case management intervention program that originated out of Washington State to help pregnant and parenting mothers who are struggling with addiction. This program and research are intended to improve the well-being of Oklahoma children, families and communities and provide a cost-saving analysis for state programs.