Emily Bonner Wins OU's Three Minute Thesis

Congratulations to OU Sociology MA student Emily Bonner (left most in picture), who won first place in the 2023 campus-wide Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition. The 3MT is a graduate competition testing participant’s capacity to explain their research in under three minutes using one static slide and accessible language for a non-specialized audience. Emily presented her research titled “The Price Is Not Right: Grocery Taxation and Food Insecurity in the Pandemic.” Dr. Loretta Bass mentored Emily on this project, and she also received enthusiastic support and feedback from fellow Sociology students and competitors. For her first-place finish, Emily won $2000 and the honor of representing the University of Oklahoma when she competes in the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools 3MT competition in Chicago. There were over 70 students competing in the 2023 OU 3MT competition, and OU Sociology dominated with 4 out of the 10 students who qualified for the Finalists Round. In addition to Emily, Sociology’s 3MT Finalists include PhD candidates Joshua Davis (second in photo) and Elizabeth McElroy (fourth in photo), as well as the BA/MA student Tess McGee (third in photo). Joshua Davis presented his research titled “So Shall You Reap: How Race and Religion Influence Attitudes towards Criminal Justice in the United States,” Elizabeth McElroy presented her research titled “The Religious Pleasure Gap,” and Tess McGee presented their research titled “Sex Work, Race, and Bias: Police Violence Against Trans People.”
Way to go Emily and way to dominate Sociology!