Sociology Students Represent OU at National Criminology Conference

OU Sociology graduate students Rin Ferraro, Bria Schwartz, and BA/MA student Margaret Doyle (all pictured) presented their research findings at the American Society of Criminology (ASC) conference in Atlanta, Georgia in November 2022. The ASC is the flagship conference for criminology in the US "whose members pursue scholarly, scientific, and professional knowledge concerning the measurement, etiology, consequences, prevention, control, and treatment of crime and delinquency." These students were joined by many of the criminologists from OU Sociology including OU faculty members Drs. John Leverso (pictured), Meredith Worthen (pictured), Connie Chapple, Julie Gerlinger, and Trina Hope. The 2022 conference represents the 80th meeting of the American Society of Criminology and boasted around 4,000 attendees and hundreds of panels centered around this year's theme, "The Future of Criminology."