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Laura Phillips

Laura Phillips

Laura Phillips.

Lecturer, Museum Studies

Office: Bizzell Library 27
Campus: Norman

Dr. Laura Phillips (she/her) has a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from Queen’s University. Her doctoral research included community-based research on ways to expand narratives beyond Euro-Enlightenment concepts in a geology museum. She is a settler with ancestry from Ireland, England, and Wales. Laura worked in museums, galleries, libraries, and archives (GLAM) internationally for more than 20 years (England, Qatar, USA, Eeyou Istchee, Canada).

Earrings credit @Painted Stone Studio

Academia Profile:

Courses Commonly Taught:

  • MST 5113 998 The World of a Museum
  • MST 5143 991 Museum Research Methods

For a current listing of courses please visit:

Select Publications:

2023 - “Dazhiikigaadeg Maanendamowin: Wanichigewin gaye Wiijiiwidiwin gii-ayaag COVID-19 Transforming Grief: Loss & Togetherness in COVID-19 exhibition at Fort York in Tkaronto/Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 24 March 2023 – 07 January 2024”, Museums and Society Vol. 21, No. 3, 131-153. DOI:

2023 – “(Mostly) Indigenous Readings that Challenge Imposed Euro-Enlightenment [aka Colonial] Perspectives in Museums”, The Jugaad Project: Material Religion in Context – Museums Focus Issue

2023 - “Decolonising Publications: Reflecting on the meaning of peer in ‘peer review’”, ICOM Voices

2023 – “An Incomplete Glossary of Change to Activate Decolonising and Indigenising Practices in Museums”, Museums International Towards Decolonisation volume 74.

2022 – “Teaching Decolonizing Curatorial & Museum Practices”, Museum Worlds 10, pp112-131.

2022 – Podcast - ‘A settler view from Ongoing Colonized Lands’, The Sounds of Unsettled objects: Post-colonial perceptions of belonging, exile and home, Glasgow Museums & UNESCO-RILA,

 2022 - “Closing: Focus Issue, Indigenous Collections – Belongings, Decolonization, Contextualization”, Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals vol. 18 (1), 101-106

2022 - Transformative Opportunities through Decolonizing & Indigenizing Museums: People, Collections, Exhibitions. PhD Thesis. Cultural Studies, Queen’s University.

2017 - “Tipsheet: Responsible Exhibition and Interpretation of Indigenous Artifacts”, Museums Association of Saskatchewan.

2017 - “Tipsheet: The Importance of UNDRIP and the TRC to Museums”, Museums Association of Saskatchewan