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SLIS Staff Sarah Moran received Dean's Outstanding Staff Award in 2023

SLIS Staff member Sarah Moran received Dean's Outstanding Staff Award for 2023

April 20, 2023

Sarah was recognized by the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Dean as an Outstanding Staff member for 2023 at the annual Kaleidoscope Celebration.  

Sarah Moran was recognized at the 2023 Annual Kaleidoscope Celebration by the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences as one of two staff outstanding staff members in the College. The purpose of the award is to recognize staff members in the departments and programs within the College for their outstanding job performance.

Sarah began working as the administration and finance coordinator for the School of Library and Information Studies in 2020. In 2022, SLIS went through an extremely important national review from the American Library Association Committee on Accreditation. Sarah was absolutely invaluable in our preparation for this review. She wrote pieces of the self-study that had to do with budgeting and finance and read chapters to offer comments.

She also made sure a renovation of the SLIS space was completed as part of preparing for a site visit, and when the team made a last-minute switch to a virtual site visit, she lead the other staff members to create video tours of the Norman and Tulsa physical spaces.

In addition to her work in SLIS, she is active on the OU campus through Staff Senate.

A full report of the Kaleidoscope Celebration can be read in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences May Newsletter.

A photo of Sarah Moran being presented with a plaque by Dean David Wrobel.