Matthew Beasley
Dale Hall Tower 611
Hunter Bissette
Analytic Value Theory/Axiology, Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, and Meta-Philosophy
B.A. Philosophy; B.A. Religious Studies; Minor Logic; Minor Cognitive Science--North Carolina State University
Dale Hall Tower 615
Jonathan Casad
Normative Ethics, Virtue Ethics, Moral Psychology
Other areas of interest: Applied Ethics (including: Business Ethics, Bioethics, and Applied Character Ethics), History of Ethics, Ancient Philosophy
M.A., Philosophy, University of Oklahoma
B.A., Philosophy, Azusa Pacific University
Dale Hall Tower 617
Evan Rowland Cheney
Dale Hall Tower 612
Dan Deng
Jordan Droira
Virtue Ethics, Social Epistemology
B.A., Philosophy, Florida International University
LGBTQ+ Aspiring Ally
Natalie Elliot
MLIS Student
Reference & Information Retrieval, Philosophy of Information, Normative & Applied Ethics, Metaphysics, Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy of Computer Games & Game Studies
B.A., Philosophy, University of Oklahoma
Dale Hall Tower 621
Max Geiszler
Philosophy of Social Science, Wittgenstein, Feminist and Social Epistemology, and Ancient Greek Philosophy
B.A., Economics and Philosophy, University of Oklahoma
Dale Hall Tower 619
Matt Hangen
Ancient Philosophy, History of Religion, Economics, Ethics, Political Philosophy
B.A. and M.A., New Testament Theology and Missiology, Faulkner University
Andy V. Huynh
Virtue Ethics, Political Philosophy, Democratic Theory, Distributive Justice, Liberalism and Communitarianism, Aesthetics, Bioethics, Existentialism
M.A., Philosophy, Loyola Marymount University
B.A., Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley
Dale Hall Tower 612
Samuel V. Jonathan
Value Theory, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Religion
Other Interests: Virtue Ethics, Meaning of Life
B.A. & M.A. in Philosophy, Universitas Indonesia
Dale Hall Tower 611
Noah Jones
History of Ethics, Ethical Theory, Ancient Philosophy
B.A., Philosophy, Oklahoma Baptist University
Dale Hall Tower 620
Lika Kareva
Philosophy of Perception, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science
Specialist in Literary Work, Maxim Gorky Literature Institute (Moscow)
Yibai Liu
Epistemology, Metaethics, Later Wittgenstein, and Pragmatism
M.A., Philosophy, Renmin University of China
B.A., Economics, Beihang University
Dale Hall Tower 615
Joshua McKeown
Conor McMahon
Chinese Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Language
M.A., University at Buffalo
B.A., Canisius College
Jonathan Mitchell
Dale Hall Tower 615
Marlon Rivas Tinoco
Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Language, Logic, Philosophy of Action
M.A., Human Development, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
M.A., Philosophy, Georgia State University
B.A., Philosophy, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Dale Hall Tower 616
Owen Spaulding
Dale Hall Tower 616
Brandon Sutton
Normative and Applied Ethics, Political Philosophy, Aesthetics, Paradoxes, and Logical Fallacies
B.A., Liberal Arts (English Option), Rogers State University
Dale Hall Tower 620
Luke Tucker
Ethics, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion
B.A., English and Philosophy, Baylor University
Dale Hall Tower 611
Melle van Duijn
Ancient Philosophy, Applied Ethics
M.A., Philosophy, Oklahoma State University
B.A., Philosophy and Spanish, University of the Ozarks
Dale Hall Tower 608
Violet Victoria
Philosophy of Economics, Ethics, Social/Political Philosophy
B.A., Political Science and Native American Studies, Columbia University
Dale Hall Tower 611
Cesar Villatoro
Indigenous Philosophy (Native North and Central American), Environmental Ethics, and Continental Philosophy (Marx and Nietzsche)
Other Interests: Ethosophy, Decoloniality
A.A., English and Anthropology, Norco College
B.A., Philosophy, California State University, Fullerton
Dale Hall Tower 619
Layla S. Williams
Epistemology, Ethics and Technology, Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics
B.A., Philosophy, East Tennessee State University
Dale Hall Tower 608
Jinhui Wang
Michelle Woodland
Indigenous Philosophy, kinship/environmental ethics, decolonization, and Indigenous methodologies
M.A., Philosophy, Texas Tech University
B.A., Philosophy, New Mexico State University
B.C.J., Criminal Justice, New Mexico State University
Dale Hall Tower 619
Yishu Zhuo
Dale Hall Tower 611