NAS Mellon Impact Fellow
Kyanna Wishon

AA, Psychology, Oklahoma City Community College, 2019
BA, Psychology, University of Oklahoma, 2024, In Progress
Personal Statement
I am a senior at the University of Oklahoma. I will graduate in Spring 2024 with a BA in Psychology. I have also achieved a minor in Sociology. My goals after graduation consist of entering into a MA program specializing in Counseling or Clinical Psychology. My next option would be to become a criminologist, and work within the Criminal justice System. My future goals include working among tribal relations by assisting communities in providing mental health access. I will also prepare individuals who have limited resources, towards how to apply to colleges, resume building, and assist in applying for funding resources that coincide with their academic plans. I am motivated to engage among various tribal groups as a mentor and gain more knowledge of my own cultural identity while learning from others. I will strive towards becoming a mentor, as well as being a role model for the younger generations. I hope to pursue community outreach projects and develop skills that will give me a solid leadership role, while helping others.
Areas of Interest and Expertise
Social work, Clinical/Counseling Psychology, Kiowa Language, Criminology, Sociology (minor), Traveling, Volunteering, Research
Recent Courses Taught
Sociology of Family Federal Criminal Justice System
Honors and Recognition
Honor Society Member, 2023
NAS Mellon Impact Fellow, 2023-2024