Virginie Perez Woods and Donovan Woods met each other thanks to OU's sister university in France: Clermont-Ferrand. OU's French section has a long-standing relationship with the University of Clermont-Ferrand. OU also welcomes many exchange students from France.

Chelsea Smith-Antonides has completed an impressive project on Stalin-era deportations.
Chelsea Smith-Antonides is a recent graduate with a degree in history and Russian. She will soon complete an internship with OU Libraries Digital Scholarship Lab. She has recently completed a research project regarding the history of Stalin-era Soviet deportations. Her project will be presented at the end of her internship.

Dr. Rokiatou Soumare completed her doctorate in Francophone Litereature at the University of Oklahoma in December 2016. In 2017, she became a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of French Studies at the University of Puget Sound.

Mary Beth Allen graduated from OU, with BAs in French and Internatinoal Area Studies in 2007. She returned to OU in 2008 for a MA in French. She completed her thesis 'Relations du genre et du pouvoir dans la trilogie theatrale de Beaumarchais', and graduated in 2012. She is now pursuing a PhD in French at the University of Virgina.

Thomas Martin graduated from OU in December, 2009 with an MA in French. He recieved an MA in Education from Haute ecole pedagogique Vaud in Switzerland in 2013. Since 2014, he has tought French and English in the Ecole technique de la Vallee de joux.

Kristen Reed graduated from OU in 2005 with degrees in French and International Area Studies. She works as an international civil servant for the United Nations in New York City in the Department of Political Affairs.

Kyle Leboeuf graduated from OU in 2012 with an MA in French Literature. He Studied abroad in Madagascar and France and served 3 years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Guinea-Conakry, West Africa. Before his current jobs with OU Health Services and University College, he worked in OU's Education Abroad office, advising students studying in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America.

Kendra Havens graduated from OU in 2016 with a BA in French and minors in Linguistics and Computer Science. During her time at OU, Kenra worked in the Language Learning Center and studied abroad in France.

Jessie Tanner graduated from OU with a BA in French and BS in Zoology and Biomedical Sciences in 2012. While at OU, she studied abroad in Bordeaux, Frnace. Jessie is currently a PhD candidate, National Science Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellow, and Ford Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Minneosta.

Destiny Crowley graduated from OU in 2016 with a BA in Russian and a minor in art history. She recieved a full six-year doctoral fellowship at Harvard University.

Anne Fisher graduated from OU with a BA in Russian in 1997. She holds a PhD in Slavic Languages and Literatures from the University of Michigan and has taught Russian language, literature, and culture at large state universities and small liberal-arts colleges. She is an accomplished literary translator who has won NEA and NEH grants to suppprt her work.

Grant Slater graduated from OU with BAs in Russian and Journalism in 2006. He now covers world events for the New York Times, NPR, and other media outlets.

Dr. Jeffery Mankoff graduated from OU with a BA in Russian. He is now the acting director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.