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Jay Casey

Jay Casey


Jay Casey.
DAHT 308

  • Ph.D., Philosophy, University of Houston
  • M.A., Mass Communication, Louisiana State University

Jay Casey’s area of research interest focuses on visual and media culture during wartime, particularly the American wars of the Twentieth Century, with secondary research interests in the experiences of prisoners of war and noncombatants. Since 2004, he has taught courses on World War II, the Vietnam War, American military history, and the popular culture of the United States. He worked as a secondary history classroom teacher with the Houston Independent School District while completing his doctoral degree at the University of Houston. He teaches American history surveys and military history courses at the University of Oklahoma. He formerly worked as a journalist, copy editor, and journalism instructor on the Gulf Coast before earning advanced degrees in history.

Selected publications and presentations:

Erin M Casey, Jay H. Casey, “Building Democratic Citizenship Competencies in K-5 Economics Through Analysis of Popular Culture”, Social Studies Research and Practice, Vol. 14 Issue: 1, 2019.

“What’s So Funny? The Finding and Use of Soldier Cartoons from the World Wars as Historical Evidence,” in Drawing the Line: Using Cartoons as Historical Evidence, Sydney University Press, 2009.

“The Dynamics of Quiet Heroism and Invisible Death in American Soldier Cartoons of the World Wars” in The International Journal of Comic Art, Vol. 9, No.1 Spring 2007.

“Objects of Derision and Desire: Comic Depictions of Women in the American Soldier Press of World War II,” PCA/SWTXPCA, 2010. This paper, with accompanying images, was included in the National Museum of American History Women’s Military History Archive and Research Resource in 2014.

  • American Wars of the Twentieth Century

  • HIST 1493 United States History, 1865 to present
  • HIST 3503 The World War II Era, 1918-1945
  • HIST 4453 United States Military History, 1860 to present