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Student Forms

Research Project

These documents are for Environmental Studies majors and minors to set up their research projects. 

  1. Read the Guidelines carefully to be sure you understand what is expected of you and your faculty supervisor as you work on your research project. As you discuss your project with potential faculty supervisors, be sure to share the Guidelines with them.
  2. Once you have found a supervisor, fill out the Cover Sheet in consultation with them and your Cornerstone instructor. 
  3. Print the form, sign it, and obtain your supervisor’s signature.
  4. Submit the signed form to your Cornerstone instructor.

On approval, your project will be assigned a section number, and you will be notified when you may enroll.

Research Guidelines (pdf)

Research Coversheet (pdf)

Research Scholarship

These documents are for Environmental Studies majors and minors seeking financial support for their research projects or other high-impact educational experiences. 

  1. Read the Guidelines carefully to be sure you understand the purpose of the Scholarship, and what funds are to be used for.
  2. Fill out and sign the Application form.
  3. The Application must also be signed by a faculty sponsor. Typically, this will be the faculty supervisor for ENST 3893 or for some other independent study. In other cases, it will be the Director of the Environmental Studies Program.  
  4. Submit the signed form to the Environmental Studies Program—in person to the office (511 Physical Sciences), or by e-mail (

Scholarship applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Successful applicants will be instructed on the procedure for receiving funds, which will be paid directly to the recipients by OU Financial Services. Scholarship recipients are required to submit a brief report to the Program summarizing their findings or other results and explaining how the scholarship contributed to reaching them.

Scholarship Guidelines (pdf)

Scholarship Application (pdf)

Internship Credit

ENST 3800 “Environmental Internship” provides students with the opportunity to earn college credit while engaging in a valuable experiential learning opportunity. Students can use internships to explore career possibilities before graduation, acquire major and career-related work experience, apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom, and gain insight from environmental professionals. This course defines an internship as a planned hands-on work experience related to personal, academic, and career goals. By the end of the internship experience, students should be able to relate the content of their coursework to the work done in their internship and vice versa.

Review the instructions and forms below and contact the Director of Environmental Studies with any questions.

ENST 3800 Information and Application (pdf)

Student Memorandum of Understanding (pdf)

Agency Memorandum of Understanding (pdf)

Preparing for Advising

Click below to download a Progress Through Curriculum Form. Use the form to track what you have left to do and how your courses next semester will help you toward graduation. Complete your form, and bring it with you to your formal advising appointment. Visit the Advising page to learn how to set up an advising appointment.

Majors' progress through curriculum form (fillable pdf)

Minors' progress through curriculum form (fillable pdf)