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Talisha Haltiwanger Morrison

Talisha Haltiwanger Morrison

Director, OU Writing Center
Director, Expository Writing Center
Associate Professor of Writing
Affiliate Faculty Member

Talisha Haltiwanger Morrison

Ph.D., Purdue University



Dr. Talisha Haltiwanger Morrison serves as Director of the OU Writing Center, Director of the Edith Kinney Gaylord Expository Writing Program, Associate Professor of Writing, and affiliate faculty in the OU English Department. 

Dr. Morrison’s research and administration interests span writing center theory,  mentorship, community-based writing, and Black feminist studies. In particular, her research focuses on intersectional approaches mentoring and administration.

As an administrator, Dr. Morrison centers the mentoring, support, and professional development of student consultants and the value of cross-campus partnerships. As Director of the OU Writing Center, she has fostered relationships with units such as OU Libraries, the OU Graduate College, Diversity Enrichment Programs, the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity office (UReCA), and Cosmic Flora, a local community wellness space.

Dr. Morrison regularly presents at national and international conferences including the Conference on College Composition and Communication, the Conference on Community Writing, and the International Writing Centers Association Conference. She is co-editor of Writing Centers and Racial Justice: A Guidebook for Critical Praxis (2023), and more of her work can be found in publications such as the Writing Center Journal, the Journal of Multimodal Rhetoric, and the award-winning collection, Out in the Center. Her current projects include Making a Way: Black Women Navigating Graduate School and Early Careers in Rhetoric and Writing Studies and Social Justice in the Center: A Guide for Writing Tutors


Haltiwanger Morrison, Talisha. Making a Way: Black Women Navigating Graduate School and Early Careers in Rhetoric and Writing Studies. In progress.

Haltiwanger Morrison, Talisha and Deidre Anne Evans Garriott. Social Justice in the Center: A Guide for Writing Tutors. In progress.

Haltiwanger Morrison, Talisha and Deidre Anne Evans Garriot (Eds). (2023). Writing Centers and Racial Justice: A Guidebook for Critical Praxis, Utah State University Press.

Select Articles, Columns, & Book Chapters

Haltiwanger Morrison, Talisha. (forthcoming, 2025). “Understanding the Rhetorical Function of Writing Center Employee Handbooks.” Writing Center Journal.  

Haltiwanger Morrison, Talisha. (2023). “Tutors Matter, Too: Supporting Writing Tutors Through Racial Justice.” Writing Centers and Racial Justice: A Guidebook for Critical Praxis, Talisha Haltiwanger Morrison & Deidre Anne Evans Garriott, eds.

Haltiwanger Morrison, Talisha and Sherri Craig. (2023). “Imagine We Knew All Our Names.” Journal of Multimodal Rhetoric. Special Issue “Fantasies and Futures.” 

Haltiwanger Morrison, Talisha. (2022). “Making and Taking up Space as a Black Woman at a Predominantly White Institution.” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal. Special Issue “Have We Arrived? Revisiting and Rethinking Responsibility in Writing Center Work: The Need for Transformative Listening and Mindfulness of Difference.” Invited Column. 

Haltiwanger Morrison, Talisha. (2021). “A Balancing Act: Black Women’s Negotiation of Racial Tension in the Center.” Writing Center Journal, 39(1-2), 119-141.

Haltiwanger Morrison, Talisha. (2019). “Being Seen and Not Seen: A Black, Female Body in the Writing Center.” Out in the Center: Public Controversies and Private Struggles, Harry Denny, Robert Mundy, Liliana M. Naydan, Richard Sévère, & Anna Sicari, eds.

  • Nominated for 2020 Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA) Outstanding Scholarship Award. (individual)

  • Winner of 2019 International Writing Centers Association (IWCA)Outstanding Book Award. (collection)