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Research Opportunities

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Department of Communication Research Opportunities Pool

Thank you for your interest in research conducted in the Department of Communication at the University of Oklahoma.

Most Communication courses allow up to 4% of extra credit for participation in research studies. To find out more information about the available opportunities, sign up for studies, and manage your earned research credits, please read and accept the pledge below, then create or login into your SONA account on the next page. Once logged into SONA you can see the available opportunities and find out detailed information about each of them. You can also stop by Burton Hall and read the recruitment flyers for each study posted on the recruitment bulletin board outside the lounge on the first floor.

Research Participant Code and Pledge of Integrity

Thank you for your interest in participating in the Department of Communication’s research subject pool. Before you begin, we would like to remind you of your responsibility as a research participant. When you participate in research study opportunities, you take an active role in ensuring that the quality of research produced at the University of Oklahoma is sound, reliable, and valid. Therefore, part of your responsibility as a research participant is to thoroughly read the instructions, questions, and response options in all study materials, and then provide only your most honest, thoughtful, and genuine responses.

Research study opportunities are a voluntary course component that, in terms of course credit, are no different than any other course activity. So, it is expected that you approach them with the same degree of academic integrity as any other course-related activity. Note that rushing through study materials without honest, genuine engagement, and then submitting the resultant false claim of participation in exchange for course credit may be considered a form of academic misconduct (i.e., cheating).

All students, upon agreeing to take part in research opportunities within this subject pool, are obligated to acknowledge and indicate their willingness to participate honestly, ethically, and to the best of their ability. Access to the this research pool may only be obtained by agreeing to the code of conduct described herein, and by making the pledge below. Acceptance will direct you to the listing of research participation opportunities currently offered by researchers within the Department of Communication. Declining acceptance will return you to the Provost’s Academic Integrity page.

Research Integrity Pledge

“I have read the research participant code and hereby pledge to participate to the best of my ability in Department of Communication research opportunities by reading instructions and study materials carefully, and by providing honest and genuine responses to the survey materials and studies being conducted.”

I Decline this Pledge                  I Accept This Pledge

Small print:
All participant engagement with the materials in online surveys will be timed, and the results may be used to help determine honest and genuine participation. Failure to provide honest and genuine responses has negative consequences for the graduate students and faculty researchers conducting studies, and harms the quality of research being done at the University of Oklahoma. It is also unfair to other students who are taking the time to honestly participate. Therefore, when detected, such behavior will result in all such responses being deleted, and no course credit being granted for participation.