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Dear Prospective Applicant,

Congratulations on your decision to extend your education by attending graduate school! We are pleased with your interest in the University of Oklahoma, and are always gratified to receive inquiries. The enclosed information will introduce you to several important graduate admission documents, and explain the procedures involved in applying for both admission and graduate assistantships.

The Department of Communication at the University of Oklahoma offers diverse areas of study specifically tailored to fit individual goals and professional objectives. Our areas include:

Interpersonal/Social Influence
Organizational Communication
Communication and Technology/CMC

All admission materials are submitted to the Graduate College's online system.

Online application for the Department of Communication is available at the Graduate College website.

Graduate admissions, including requirements and application process, is available here.  

We have two admissions deadlines each year:

  1. December 15th is the deadline for fall admissions with full consideration for financial support in the form of a teaching or research assistantship. It is important that you meet this deadline if you want to be considered for an assistantship. 
  2. April 1st is the deadline for fall admissions without needing an assistantship. Although there may be assistantships available at this date, there is no guarantee that there will be any assistantships available in a particular year for this later admissions date. The only way to be sure that you will be considered for a teaching or research assistantship is to meet the December 15th deadline. If you do not want or need an assistantship, this deadline will still allow for fall enrollment.

We are proud of our graduate program and its students. Interaction between students and faculty is frequent and pleasant. We thank you for considering our program.

Should you decide to include the Department of Communication at the University of Oklahoma in your plans, we look forward to receiving your application materials.  


Lindsey Meeks, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Studies