Position: Assistant Professor
Education: Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin, 2018
Email: yzhu@ou.edu
Office: Burton Hall
Office Hours: By appointment
Position: Assistant Professor
Education: Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin, 2018
Email: yzhu@ou.edu
Office: Burton Hall
Office Hours: By appointment
Dr. Zhu's research focuses on how communication technology use, as an organizing process, influences our personal and organizational lives. His research compasses two areas: (1) technology adoption in health care organizations and professions, (2) the effects of communication technology on individuals’ health-related behavioral patterns and psychological states.
Ford, J. L., Zhu, Y., Barrett, A. K. (2022). Structurational divergence, safety climate, and intentions to leave: An examination of health care workers’ experiences of abuse. Communication Monographs, 89, 1–24. doi: 10.1080/03637751.2021.1900886
Yoon K. & Zhu, Y. (2022). Social media affordances and transactive memory system in virtual teams. Management Communication Quarterly, 36(2), 235-260. doi: 10.1177/08933189211032639
Zhu, Y., Glowacki, E., & Yang, Y. (2021). A social ties-based approach to cancer patients’ quality of life: Examining group ties and individual ties across offline and online settings. Health Communication, 36(6), 741–751. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2020.1712520
Zhu, Y., Guan, M., & Donovan, E. (2020). Elaborating cancer opinion leaders’ communication behaviors within online health communities: Network and content analyses. Social Media & Society. 6(2), 205630512090947. doi: 10.1177/2056305120909473
Zhu, Y. & Stephens, K. K. (2019). Participation in online support groups (OSGs) and perceived social support: Incorporating identification and interpersonal bonds. Small Group Research, 50(5), 19-24. doi: 10.1177/1046496419861743
Zhu, Y. & Dailey, S. (2019). Personal-organizational processes in workplace health promotion: Understanding wellness program participation in China. International Journal of Communication, 13, 3589-3608. doi:1932–8036/20190005
Zhu, Y. & Smith, S. (2019). Information and communication technology (ICT)-enabled contextualization, polychronic values, and job satisfaction: Evidence from virtual teams. International Journal of Business Communication. doi:10.1177/2329488419832075
Zhu, Y., Dailey, S., Kreizberg, D., & Bernhardt, J. (2017). Social networkout: Connecting social features of wearable fitness trackers with physical exercise. Journal of Health Communication, 22(12), 974-980. doi:10.1080/10810730.2017.1382617