The Constitutional Studies major differs from the Letters: Standard degree in that specific courses that fit the Con Studies categories have to be taken. Though the same hours are completed, Con studies majors concentrate many of their courses on the foundation and formation of the United States., both historically and currently. To review the differences directly, view the degree checksheets for each major on the Letter's page. The IACH website creates a list of acceptable courses per semester. However, if none listed work for a student's schedule, relevant courses are also commonly found across various departments (e.g. CLC, LTRS, IAS, PSC, LSI, HIST, WGS, and HR).
What courses count towards the Letters major are courses concentrated in history, philosophy, and literature. These courses can be found within and outside of the Classics and Letters department. Students are encouraged to seek out courses in Classics (CLC), Letters (LTRS), Latin (LAT), and Greek (GRK) to ensure they will fulfill major requirements. Departmental courses will often count in one or more of the major categories but courses may also be taken outside the department to fulfill major requirements. Past courses found outside the department that have been accepted to count for the Letters major when the topic is relevant include courses from Anthropology (ANTH), History (HIST), History of Science (HSTM), Honors (HON), Philosophy (PHIL), Political Science (PSC), Women and Gender Studies (WGS), Professional Studies (various PS courses-PSHU-Humanities; PSOL- Organizational Leadership; PSSC-Social Science), LGBTQ Studies (LGBT), International & Area Studies (IAS), English, (ENGL), Modern Language and Linguistics (MLLL), Human Relations (HR), Religious Studies (RELS), and Sociology (SOC).
Note: This list is not exhaustive, meaning there may be a course within a subject not listed that would also fit. This also does not mean a course under the listed subjects automatically counts in a Letters category. Contact the departmental advisor to confirm if a specific course from an outside department would qualify.
The Classics and Letters department will accept other university capstones for the credit. A student may take another major's capstone that encompasses subjects related to Classics or Letters (Philosophy, Political Science, History, etc.) or they can take the general CAS capstone for the credit (CAS4703), which requires permission from the instructor. If a student wishes to alter their catalog year to 2021 to take a First Year Experience approved gen ed course instead, then they must let the advisor know so their degree plan can be updated.
The most efficient way to create a schedule is to search for courses using Class Navigator. Class Navigator allows a student to filter courses by subject, Gen Ed type, and delivery type (online etc.) A student then can take the information gathered and use the course number (ex: LTRS 3510) or CRN to register for courses in their ONE account. A student can also find course listings in the ONE account. However, it is important to remember that sections not currently being offered in a chosen semester will also appear in the ONE listing but will have 0 out of 0 students for seat availability. Visit OU's guide to enrollment for further information.
Once put on the waitlist for a course, when an empty seat is available, a student will receive an email stating that a spot has opened up. A student has 24 hours to enroll in the course (it is not done automatically). If the student fails to enroll after the allotted time, then the offer is passed on to the next person on the waitlist. Review How to Work the Waitlist under the enrollment guide (step 6) for visual instructions (2nd page).
Winter session enrollment opens at the same time a student's fall enrollment window opens, so a student can enroll in winter session courses at the same time or any time throughout the fall semester. As the semester progresses, more winter courses or additional sections are often created for more options.
Summer enrollment opens at the same time spring semester enrollment opens. More summer courses may be added throughout the spring semester for more enrollment options.
Professional and Continuing Studies (PACS) -formally Liberal Studies-have changed their course subject categories to match their college name. Former LS courses are now listed under:
PSSC (Social Science), PSHU (Humanities), PSNS (Natural Sciences), PSMS (Mathematics), PSCJ (Criminal Justice), PSIS (Integrative Studies), PSOL (Organizational Leadership), PSHA (Healthcare Administration), PSBA (Business Administration)
*Note that PACS no longer requires non-major students to fill out an online form to take any of their courses.
Depending on the department allowances, prerequisites, and seat availability, there are times that professors will allow undergraduate students who have not reached Junior status to enroll in an upper-division course. If the course is a Classics (CLC) or Letters (LTRS) then email the departmental advisor with the course number and CRN to gain permission to enroll in the course. If the course falls under another major or subject then a student must email the professor requesting permission including why the course is of interest. If the student receives permission, they must forward the email to the corresponding advisor for that major. College of Arts & Sciences advisor contact information can be found in the College of Arts & Sciences advisor section. To find advisor information from a different college visit the associated college website for more information. For example, if a student wishes to take a Journalism course and gains permission to enroll from the professor of a particular course, then the college advisor information can be found on the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication website.
Note: Math prerequisites are not generally waived unless a student has sufficient related coursework. Please check with the math department advisor for more information.
For Classics and Letters course overrides for 3000 and above courses, email the departmental advisor.
The default for independent study and Honor's research courses is 1-hour credit. To change the credit hours according to the level of work as agreed upon by your instructor, follow the instructions in the Variable Course Credit Hour guide. Because course fees are partially based on the number of credit hours, the variable hours of a course must be changed before enrollment billing is finalized for the semester. If it is after that time period a student must submit a form to have variable hours changed.
The difference between a double major and a dual degree is mainly between the number of course hours needed to fulfill either and the number of diplomas received. A student pursuing a double major is required to complete a minimum of the same number of hours as a single degree (120 hours and 48 upper division). Major course and college requirements must be fulfilled as normal for each. A double major also leads to one diploma featuring the student's primary degree (a student must choose which is primary), with the 2nd degree featured on the student's transcript. A dual degree leads to two separate diplomas representing each major. For a dual degree, a student must complete 150 hours of coursework with 72 of those hours being upper division if both majors are a part of the same college. If the majors are under separate colleges then the student must complete 150 with 63 upper division. All college and major requirements must also be completed for a dual degree. Review the Double Major versus Dual degree chart (docx) for further information.
Pursuing a dual degree or double major is best addressed as a matter of preference. Students not wanting or are unable to go much beyond the general time it takes to complete 120 hours of coursework may prefer to pursue a double major. Students wanting two separate diplomas and have extended time to fulfill 150 hours of coursework may prefer a dual degree. However, a student may seek out career work in either of the majors completed regardless of which option they choose.
Having an F on a transcript may be unavoidable due to life circumstances, but there are several options for students to improve their GPA after receiving an F. While all grades still remain on a student's transcript, a student can petition for academic forgiveness for a single course or for a full semester. To view information about academic forgiveness, view the academic forgiveness policies in the OU General Catalog. To submit a request to have a grade changed after the same course is repeated fill out the Repeat Policy Request Form.