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Michelle Saunders

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Michelle Saunders, PhD

Dr. Michelle Saunders

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Applied Social Research, University of Oklahoma.

Michelle is a physical/human geographer working with Dr. Jack Friedman (CASR) and Dr. Daphne LaDue (Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms (CAPS)) researching the impact of increased vulnerability knowledge and high temporal resolution guidance on forecasters and emergency managers.

Her research interests include atmospheric hazards, risk perception, and risk communication. Past research includes a mixed-methods study on how weather radar displays are used and perceived by Tampa Bay Area residents. Another study focuses on the perceptions of hurricane hazards in the Mid-Atlantic region. Dr. Saunders also has hands-on experience surveying hurricane evacuees in Florida during live evacuations for hurricanes Matthew, Irma, and Dorian. Ultimately her goal is to conduct research that leads to a greater understanding of how and why people make decisions regarding severe weather events and to improve communication of weather hazards.

Please check her Website: Link