Internet Directory for Botany
Last updated 22 November 2010
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J. Cramer/Gebr. Borntraeger Science Publishers
James Madison University, Department of Biology, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA
Japanese Garden Database
Japanese Garden in Portland Oregon, USA
Japanese Irises - Ian Black's gardening pages, USA
Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists
Jardín Botanico Canario Viera y Clavijo, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Jardin Alpin du Lautaret/Lautaret Alpine Botanical Garden
Jardin botanique Neuchatel, Neuchtel Welcome page
Jardin d'Oiseaux Tropicaux, Conservatoire Biologique Tropical, La Londe, France
Jardin ornithologique et botanique, La Londe-les-Maures, France
Jatun Sacha Biological Station (Ecuador)
JC Raulston Arboretum, North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC, USA)
Jepson Flora Project, California, USA
Jepson Herbarium Place Name Index
Jepson Horticultural Database, USA
Jepson Manual Project, Higher Plants of California, USA
Jepson Online Interchange for California Floristics, USA
Jerusalem Botanic Garden
Jobs & Fellowships, Missouri Botanical Garden
John Davidson: The Legacy of a Canadian Botanist
John E. Stowell Dahlia Society
Joseph Dalton Hooker, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK
Journal of Applied Phycology
Journal of Ethnobiology
Journal of Phycology
Journey into the world of phylogenetic systematics, UCMP Berkeley, USA
Julius-von-Sachs-Institut fur Biowissenschaften mit Botanischem Garten Wurzburg
Jyväskylä University Museum, The section of natural sciences (JYV), Finland
Kansas Prairie Wildflowers
Kansas Wildflowers and Grasses
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Institut für Botanik (Austria)
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Institut für Pflanzenphysiologie (Austria)
Karl-Friedrich Fiscbach's hot links help you to search the web, University of Freiburg, Germany
Karlsruher Tulpenbuch
Karyologic database for Italian flora
Karyologickej databázy papraorastov a semenných rastlín Slovenska
Kasviatlas - Suomen putkilokasvien levinneisyyskartat
Kaunas Botanical garden, University of Lithuania
kdn [Kunstformen der Natur]
Keir's Botanical Photo Archive
Kent State University, Department of Biological Sciences (Kent, Ohio, USA)
Kew Bibliographic Databases, U.K.
Kew Gardens Virtual Tour, U.K.
Kew Genus and APG Family Lookup
Kew Herbarium Catalogue
Kew Interactive Key Forum, U.K.
Kew Library: Electronic Resources
Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature
Key to the family Bignoniaceae
Key to the family Clusiaceae
Key to Major Groups of Mushroums
Key to the Nearctic genera of Eulophidae, subfamilies: Entedoninae, Euderinae, and Eulophinae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea).
Keys to the various plants of Great Britain
Key2html: a tool for the quick conversion of dichotomous keys into HTML code
Kimball's Biology Pages
Kirstenbosch National Botanic Garden, Plant of the Week
Kitchen Gardening
Kivik-Esperöds Arboretet, Sweden
Kleines Büropflanzen Lexikon, Dirk Schwarz, University of Essen, Germany
Kluwer Academic Publishers, the Netherlands
Koeltz Scientific Books, Germany
Korea Actinomycetes Network
Kovach Computing Services
Kurtz-Fernhout Software - Garden with Insight Garden Simulator
Kyoto Prefectual Botanic Garden, Japan (In Japanese)
La Garance voyageuse - une association et une revue de vulgarisation botanique (Journal)
La Sierra University, Department of Biology - Riverside, California, USA
La Société Mycologique Vaudoise Photos
Laboratory for Wood Anatomy and Dendrochronology, Lund University, Sweden
Laboratory of Plant Systematics and Vegetation Ecology, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, USA
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Lagenandra Pages
Land Plants Online
Landcare Research Herbarium (CHR), New Zealand
Landscape Ecological Vegetation Mapping of Hungary (MÉTA)
Larrea divaricata (creosote bush)
Latest NEWS on Vascular Plant Family Nomenclature (compiled by James L. Reveal, Norton-Brown Herbarium, University of Maryland, USA)
Latest NEWS on Vascular Plant Family Nomenclature James L. Reveal
Latin American Pollen Database (LAPD)
Latin American Society of Botanists, Asociacion Latinoamericana de Botanica (ALB)
Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid
Latin Translations
Le Jardin Botanique Alpin du Lautaret, France
Le Potager en Carrés de Marie
Leaf Images
Learning to Identify Plants by Families
Leaves Recognition: Neuronal Network based recognition system of leaf images
Lecythidaceae Pages
LEDA Traitbase
Legume Rusts
Legume Web
Lehigh University, Department of Biological Sciences (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA)
LEHLE Seeds Home Page "Home Page for Everything Arabidopsis", USA
Lehrstuhl für allgemeine Genetik, Universität Tübingen, Germany
Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, IPK), Gatersleben, Germany
Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, IPK), Gatersleben, Germany (searchable databases)
Lemnaceae (duckweed)
Length Conversions
Le Potager - French directory for botany and gardening
Lewis Bamboo Groves, Bamboo Nursery
Lichen determination keys available on internet
LICHENS-L (send mail "subscribe LICHENS-L Your Name" to listproc@hawaii.edu)
Lichens: Photo Gallery
Lick Creek Park, Flora of EC Texas, USA
Lilac Festival, Rochester, NY, USA
Linda Fortner's Orchid Page, USA
LinkIT Name Linking Tool
Links for Palaeobotanists
Linnaean Correspondence
Linnaean Plant Name Typification Project
Linnaean specimens in the Botanical Museum of the University of Helsinki (H)
Linnaeus Hammarby (Uppsala, Sweden)
Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica
Linné Online
Linnean Herbarium (S-LINN), Swedish Museum of Natural History
Linnean Society of London, UK
List of Bacterial Names with Standing in Nomenclature
List of Periodicals Devoted to Succulent Plants
Lista preliminar de las plantas de la Región del Bajo Calima, Columbia, Missouri Botanical Garden
Literaturdatenbank zur Vegetationsökologie Mitteleuropas
Literature Interest Group, TDWG
Lithops, Living Stones, Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, USA
Liverworts, University of North Alabama
Longwood Gardens, PA, USA
Longwood Gardens Virtual Tour, PA, USA
Los Angeles County, Natural History Museum, California, USA
Lotus Newsletter
Lotusland Gardens, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Louisiana Fossil Page by Paul V. Heinrich, USA.
Louisiana Native Plant Society, USA
Lovett Pinetum Charitable Foundation
LuontoPortti - NatureGate
Lusto - The Finnish Forest Museum, Punkaharju, Finland
To: [
Macrofungi of China and Eastern North America
Macrofungi of Costa Rica
Macrofungi of Costa Rica: Interactive Keys
Madagascar Catalogue (eFloras.org)
Madagascar Conspectus Web
Madagascar Gazetteer to Botanical Collecting Localities
Maddog 'n' Miracles Flowers, USA
Madidi National Park, Inventario Botánico en la Región de Madidi, Bolivia
Maggie's Garden, Texas, USA
Magnolia grandiflora (Silvics)
Magnolia grandiflora (University of Connecticut Database)
Magnolia Society International
Magnoliaceae (Vascular Plant Image Gallery)
Maize Genetics and Genomics Database (MaizeGDB)
Major Biomes of the World
Malagasy/Indo-Australo-Malesian Phytogeographic Connections
Malaspina University: Department of Biology (Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada)
Malvaceae Info
Manaaki Whenua Press Catalogue, New Zealand
Manatee County Chapter of the Rare Fruit Council International, Florida, USA
Mangroves of Singapore
Mansfelds Verzeichnis Landwirtschaftlicher und Gärtnerischer Kulturpflanzen
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica, The Cutting Edge, Missouri Botanical Garden
Manual of California Vegetation
Manual of Grasses for North America North of Mexico and Flora North America (FNA)
Manual of the Plants of Costa Rica (MoBot)
Mapping of lichens in Koblenz, Germany
Margaret Saul Botanical Art
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens - Sarasota, Florida, USA
Maryland Native Plant Society, USA
Massachusetts Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society
Massachusetts Horticultural Society, USA
Massachusetts List of Endangered, Threatened and Special Concern Species, Department of Fish and Game
Master Gardener, Washington State University, USA
Mastwatch, an open database of masting observations in Southeast Asia
Matthaei Botanical Gardens, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
Mavric, a python toolkit for phylogenetics
Maxwell Arboretum Virtual Tour, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Mayden Lab, Biodiversity and Systematics, St. Louis University, USA
McGill University, Department of Biology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Med-Checklist - A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries
Medicinal Plant Garden, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University, Japan
Mediterranean Garden Society
Meemelink.com : Flower + fruit prints
Meerkerk Rhododendron Gardens, USA
Melastomataceae of the World
Mesquite, A Modular System for Evolutionary Analysis
Michael Hogan, Photography, New Jersey Pine Barrens, USA
Michigan Orchid Society, USA
Microbiological Garden
Microscopy by Graham Matthew
Milwaukee Public Museum
Mining Co. Guide to Botany
Mint Family (Lamiaceae)
Minter Gardens (Columbia, British Canada)
Missouri Botanical Garden Learning Network, USA
Missouri Botanical Garden Library
Missouri Botanical Garden Rare Books Collection
Missouri Botanical Garden, Photo Essays
Missouri Botanical Garden, USA
Missouri Exotic Pest Plant Council's Invasive Plant Page
Missouri Flora Website, USA
Missouri Native Plant Society
Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory The Domes, Milwaukee, USA
Molecular Plant Pathology On-Line, UK
Molecular Systematics and Conservation Genetics Lab, Yale University, USA
Montana Plant Life and Wildflowers, USA
Montana State University, Department of Biology, Bozeman, USA
Montgomery Botanical Center, Florida, USA
Moody Gardens, Galveston Island, Texas, USA
Moorea Digital Flora Project, French Polynesia
Moose Deutschland
Moravian museum, Department of Botany, Brno, Czech Republic
More Misconceptions to Avoid When Teaching About Plants
Morel Mushroom Hunting Club
MorphoBank: Morphological Homology Over the Web
Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Morton Arboretum, Illinois, USA
Moss Flora of Central America at the Missouri Botanical Garden
Moss Flora of Chile
Moss Flora of Thailand
Mosses of China, MOBot, USA
Mosses of the Tropical Andes
Mount Pisgah Arboretum, Eugene, Oregon, USA
Mounts Botanical Garden, Florida, U.S.A.
Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database
Museum of Herbal Medicine, Italy
Museum Informatics Project (MIP), University of California, Berkeley, USA
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris): Types (P)
Museum Pests
Mushroom Genus Laccaria in Eastern North America
Muskoka Flora - An Annotated Checklist, Canada
Mutis Drawings
MycoBag MycoFactory
mycoElectronica by John Dhabolt, USA
Mycolog: Fungi: the Fifth Kingdom
Mycologia Online Journal
Mycological Nomenclature
Mycological Nomenclature
Mycological Resources on the Internet
Mycological Society of America
Mycological Society of San Francisco
Mycological Society of Toronto, Canada
Mycology at Kew
Myconet: An Electronic and Printed Journal
Mycorrhiza Literature Exchange
MycorWeb, France
Myko Web, USA
Mysterious Venus Flytrap
Myxomycetes - Overlooked Native Plants
Myxomycetes & Other Slime Molds
To: [
Names in Current Use (NCU) for Extant Plant Genera, Electronic version (NCU-3-e)
Namibian Biodiversity Database
Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden, Netherlands
National Agricultural Library (NAL)
National Arbor Day Foundation, What Tree is that?
National Biodiversity Network, UK
National Biological Information Infrastructure, USA
National Botanic Garden of Belgium
National Botanic Gardens Glasnevin, Dublin, Ireland
National Botanical Institute (Kirstenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa)
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NDBI), USA
National Center for Biotechnology Information Databases
National Chrysanthemum Society (USA)
National Clonal Germplasm Repository (NCGR) - Temperate Fruit Genebank, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens (NCCPG), UK
National Genetic Resources Program, Germplasm Resources Information Network (NGRP/GRIN), USA
National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, USA
National Invasive Species Information Center, USA
National Library of Medicine (NLM) - University of Washington
National Map Seamless Server (USDA)
National Map Viewer (USDA)
National Parks and Conservation Association (NPCA), USA
National Plant Data Center, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS), U.S.D.A.
National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan
National Seed Storage Laboratory (NSSL) - Main Page, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA
National Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG, USA)
National TsingHua University, Department of Life Sciences, Taiwan
National Vegetation Survey (NVS) Databank
Native American Ethnobotany Database
Native and Introduced Plants of Southern California, USA
Native Orchid Conservation, Inc.
Native Orchids of the United States
Native Plants Forum (GardenWeb)
Native Seeds/Search - Southwestern Endangered Aridlands Resources Clearinghouse
Native Wildflowers of California, photographed by Brother Alfred Brousseau F.S.C. (1908--1988)
Natur des Jahres in Übersichten und Einzelporträts
Natur und Landschaft im Donautal
Natural Environment Research Council, UK
Natural History Books, Gary Wayner - Bookseller
Natural History Libraries
Natural History Museum of Fribourg, Switzerland
Natural History Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Natural History Museums and Collections
Natural History of Iceland - flower, bird and landscape images by Dick Vuijk
Natural Perspective: Fungus Kingdom by Ari Kornfeld, USA
Natural Perspective: Plant Kingdom by Ari Kornfeld, USA
Natural Perspective: Protoctist Kingdom by Ari Kornfeld, USA
Natural Products Initiative
Nature - International weekly journal of science (Europe)
Nature Hills Nursery, USA
NatureGate, Finland
NatureServe Explorer: An Online Encyclopedia of Life
Naturhistorischer Verein der Rheinlande und Westfalens e.V.
Nearctica - The Natural World of North America
Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, USA
Neo Latin Texts Online
Neoflora Database
NeoFlora - Invasive gebietsfremde Pflanzen in Deutschland
Neotropical Blueberries (Ericaceae)
Neotropical Erythroxylum
Neotropical Herbarium Specimens
Nepenthes Nursery
Netherlands FlowerBulb Information Center
NetPhyD : Netzwerk Phytodiversität Deutschlands
New England Naturalists - a Bio-Bibliography
New Hampshire Orchid Society
New Mexico - Chihuahuan Desert Native Plants Conservation Initiative, USA
New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science
New Orleans Botanical Garden, USA
New Plant Page by Laurence Hatch
New York Botanical Garden Type Specimen Catalog, USA
New York Flora Association
New York Flora Atlas
New Zealand Flora
New Zealand Fungi
New Zealand Plants
NewCrop, Indiana Center for New Crops & Plant Products, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Newsletter of the Ann Arbor Orchid Society, USA
Newsletter of the National Biological Information Infrastructure, USA
Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens and School of Horticulture, Niagara Falls, Canada
Nicolas Copernicus University, Institute of Biology and Environment Protection, Torun, Poland
NISM - Nationales Inventar der Schweizer Moosflora
NOAA Paleoclimatology Program, USA
NOAA Paleoclimatology Tree-Ring Data, USA
Nomencurator: a nomenclatural history model to handle multiple taxonomic views
Nordic Flower
Nordic Journal of Botany
North American Fruit Explorers
North American Helianthus
North American Lily Society
North American Mycological Association (NAMA)
North American Mycological Association Voucher Collection Project
North American Mycological Societies
North American Native Plant Society
North American Plant Disease Forecast Center, North Carolina State University, USA
North American Pollen Database
North American Rock Garden Society
North Carolina Arboretum, USA
North Carolina Botanical Information Network (BOTNET)
North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service
North Carolina State University Herbarium (NCSC), USA
North Carolina State University, Department of Botany
North Carolina Trees (Fast Growing Trees Nursery)
North West Dahlia Society, UK
Northeast Mycological Federation, Inc., USA
Northeastern Brazil Repatriation of Herbarium Data, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, UK
Northern Arizona Flora, USA
Northern California Daffodil Society, USA
Northern Illinois and Indiana Fungi
Northern Illinois University, Department of Biological Sciences, USA
Norwegian Orchid Society
Notes on Lycoris (Amaryllidaceae) species by D.A. Cooke & Phan Yen Leng
Notre Dame de la Paix University, Department of Biology, Namur, Belgium
Nova Hedwigia, Journal
Nursery catalogues at Wageningen UR Library
NYPL Digital Gallery: Nature Illustrated - Flowers, Plants, and Trees, 1550-1900
Oak Spring Garden Library
Oakes Ames Orchid Herbarium (AMES), Harvard University
Oakville African Violet Society, Ontario, Canada
Observations on the Conservation Status of Tropical Dry Forest in the Zapotillo Area, Loja Province, Ecuador
Ocean Flowers: Anna Atkins' Cyanotypes of British Algae
Odense University, Institute of Biology, Denmark
Ohio State University, Department of Plant Biology, Columbus, USA
Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Norman, USA
Oklahoma Wildflowers by Charles S. Lewallen, USA
Ökologische Zeigerwerte [adaptiert für Österreich]
On-line catalogue of digitized books of Archbishop chateau
Online Etymology Dictionary
Online Taxonomic Keys
Open Biology Journal
Open Directory: Botany
Open Door Website: Biology
Open Evolution Journal
Open Identification OPI
Open Plant Science Journal
OpenKey, TeleNature
OPTIMA - Organization for the Phyto-Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area
Orchid Forum
Orchid Forums
Orchid Photo Page
Orchid Society of Nova Scotia, Canada
Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania, USA
Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia
Orchidaceae Data and Forum, China
Orchideen der Rhön
Orchideen Europas
Orchidées de Provence
Orchideje Ceské republiky
OrchidNet Homepage by Jon Bertsch, USA
Orchids of Central Africa
Orchids in Southern France
Orchids! River Valley Orchidworks, Inc.
Oregon Flora On-Line Newsletter
Oregon Flora Project
Oregon State University Herbarium, USA
Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University (links to herbarium and arboretum servers)
Organization for the Phyto-Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area
Ornamental Plants from Russia and Adjacent States of the former Soviet Union by Tatyana Shulkina
Orto Botanico di Palermo - Polermo Botanical Garden, Italy
Oshawa Valley Botanical Gardens, Canada
Ottawa Orchid Society, Canada
Ottawa Valley Rock Garden & Horticultural Society, Canada
Our Rose Garden, University of Illinois Extension, USA
Ozarks Regional Herbarium (SMSU)
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Send corrections and additions to:
Anthony R. Brach
brach (at) oeb.harvard.edu
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Internet Directory for Botany