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Bill Pay

Multi-factor Authentication

In our ongoing efforts to combat fraud, maintain a high level of security, and keep your personal information secure, you will be required to utilize multi-factor authentication (MFA) when accessing our tuition payment system. The MFA solution is separate from the University authentication service (PingID) and is supported outside of OU IT.

MFA is one of the most effective ways to confirm the identity of the person logging into your account. You will be required to identify yourself with a one-time password received via email, SMS, or a mobile app each time you log in. If you do not have a security profile, you will be prompted to create a profile and enroll in MFA before you are able to make a payment. Contact the Student Financial Center at (405) 325-9000,, or in Buchanan Hall, Room 105 with any questions.

Pay your bill in full by the 25th of each month!

Unpaid billed balances, including those participating in the payment plan, are subject to a 1.5% service charge assessed on the 26th of each month. Service charges and late penalties will not be removed due to late or nonpayment.

When a student is not current with the payment plan: Registration, Transcript, and Graduation holds are placed on their account. In addition, a $50 late penalty is added after Nov. 26, April 26, and July 26, respectively, when all current tuition and fees are not paid in full. 

The quickest way to make your payment is online at Payments made online with an eCheck from your checking account or savings account or a credit card are easy and convenient and are posted to your account the same day. You can easily set up authorized users to make payments on your behalf.

For information on OU pay login, authorizing a payee, viewing your account history, changing your billing address, and more, use: or call Student Financial Center at (405) 325-9000

Pay Enrollment Deposit                 Pay Bill on ONE     

Authorized User Login                          Faculty/Staff Payments      


Notice: For Those Paying By Credit Card

Credit card payments are only accepted online at The University of Oklahoma students and employees who choose to pay their Bursar account with a credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover) instead of check or money order will incur a 2.95% convenience fee for use of the service. This convenience fee covers charges assessed by credit card associations for providing the service. 

As with other products and services that individuals purchase via a credit card, this measure charges only those using the card. Credit card payments can only be accepted at Student Financial Center will no longer accept credit card payments in the office or over the telephone.

Charging only the user of the service follows best practices nationwide. Such a measure allows OU to focus its budget on the entire student body and on the academic mission of the University.

Chapter 33 & 31 – Veterans Benefits

Students using these benefits must present their VA Certificate of Eligibility to the Office of Veteran Student Services, complete the request to be certified using the electronic Veteran Course Confirmation Form, and provide any additional information needed for the School Certifying Official to properly certify.  Students that have completed these steps will not have service charges or registration holds placed on their accounts due to unpaid charges that are awaiting payment from the VA.