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Jason Furtado

Jason Furtado, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Carlisle and Lurline Mabrey Presidential Professor

Jason Furtado.
NWC 5240, National Weather Center
(405) 325-1391
Jason's Website & Research Group
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  • B.S., Meteorology and B.S., Mathematics, Lyndon State College, 2002
  • M.S., Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, 2005
  • Ph.D., Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010

  • Improving sub-seasonal and seasonal forecasts of temperature and precipitation
  • Enhancing our understanding of decadal-scale projections of climate/climate trends
  • Assessing the fidelity of coupled climate models in reproducing the Earth physical climate system
  • Providing quantitative and qualitative information for stakeholders (e.g., resource managers, city planners, general public) for better preparedness for extreme weather and future climate change