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Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts

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Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts

Admission Requirements

  • OU Students: 2.5 (COMB and OU)
  • Transfer Students: 2.5 GPA
  • Music Education majors (OU and Transfer): 2.75 (COMB and OU)
  • Audition, Portfolio, or Interview (Audition Information for specific information)


Additional Requirements

  • Current OU students may change their major to Art History at any time.  For all other Fine Arts degrees, OU students may change their major at any time after they have been accepted into the degree program by audition, portfolio, or interview. The change will be processed through an academic counselor in the Fine Arts Dean's office when the specific program director notifies the academic counselor of the acceptance.
    • Note: Beginning the 11th week of the semester, a change in major will be reflected on a student's transcript for the following semester. Colleges may wait until the end of the semester to review a student's final grades before approving/processing a major change.

Student Services office: 122 Fred Jones Center
Phone: (405) 325-7370     Advising website

Q. Who is my advisor?

Q. When should I be advised?
A. Students are required to be advised prior to enrolling in classes.

Q. How do I make an advising appointment?
A. You may schedule an advising appointment through iAdvise.


Students should be familiar with the deree requirements checksheet for their major. Degree Navigator is another helpful tool that students and advisors use to view academic requirements and progress.