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College of Architecture

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College of Architecture

Admission Requirements

  • OU Students: 2.5 GPA (COMB and OU)
  • Transfer Students: 2.5 GPA
  • Environmental Design Majors: 2.00 GPA


Additional Requirements

  • Current OU students who meet the admission requirements may declare a major in this college through a College of Architecture academic counselor at any time during the semester.
    • Note: Beginning the 11th week of the semester, a change in major will be reflected on a student's transcript for the following semester. Colleges may wait until the end of the semester to review a student's final grades before approving/processing a major change.


Advising office: 190 Gould Hall
Phone: (405) 325-2444     Advising website


Q. Who is my advisor?
A. The professional advisors are assigned as follows:

Please contact one of these advisors for further information.


Q. When should I be advised?

A. Students are required to be advised prior to each enrollment period by Nova Savage or Erin Nance (majors as noted above).


Q. How do I make an advising appointment?

A. You may schedule an advising appointment through iAdvise.  


Students in the College of Architecture are advised in individual advising sessions by one of the College advisors. Due to the rigor and inflexibility of the program sequences, it is necessary that all students meet for advisement during each enrollment period. The College of Architecture does not permit self-advising.


Students should be familiar with the degree requirements checksheet for their major. Degree Navigator is another helpful tool that students and advisors use to view academic requirements and progress.